well, if we had a code and needed to select a black leader to get ALL on board then

Who would you vote for?

  • Elijah Muhammad

  • Alan Keys

  • Assata Shakur

  • Neil Tyson

  • Malcolm X

  • Bayard Rustin

  • Barack Obama

  • Ludacris

  • Bishop TD JAkes

  • Dr. Ben Carson

Results are only viewable after voting.


Jun 4, 2012
Name your best President of black people and Vice President Combo...

You can chose two names. :patrice:

Explain your answer.

This is if we had industry, mind set, and could create our own nation within a nation.....:ufdup:


Jun 4, 2012
I think...:patrice:

Elijah, could be an advisor..

Malcolm for motivation and ... probably wouldn't get caught in a scandal.

I def agree with assata shakur. I just got a text this morning from a chick who thanked me recommending her book. Assata can inspire sisters without even talking with them. :wow:


The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
Malcolm as Vice President.

Assata Shakur as President.


See, Malcolm is one of my biggest heroes. However, he had one fatal flaw...In many ways, he was a bit of a follower UNTIL right before his death. He believed EVERYTHING his teacher taught him...so much so that he couldn't see any wrong in him. That level of loyalty, albeit commendable, is a bit dangerous.

I don't want our President, even in his strength, to have any traces of being a lemming(blind follower).

Now, as a Vice President, I see him shining. I mean, his ability to speak & inspire. When the cabinet gets together & develops an initiative...it would be Malcolm who would sell it to the masses. He'd be amazing.

Now... President Shakur. This is a woman who's been through it all. While reading her book...I saw everything she was trying to articulate...& there was a beautiful softness inside of that amazing strength & determination. Unlike Malcolm, it seemed that once she started smelling something sour in an organization...she left. Not to say that the Panthers didn't have great intentions...they did. But a lack of organization made her leave. I commend that, because she didn't throw the organization under the bus however, she left & felt that a dedication to her people was better served elsewhere.

She truly is an amazing woman & she would be able...with the right team...lead our people.

Sidebar: No Marcus Garvey? No Martin Luther King? No Frederick Douglass? WEB Dubois?


Jun 4, 2012
there was a beautiful softness inside of that amazing strength & determination
The most underrated quality of a leader.... we look over it and it is the best quality..... Most men don't have it.

Sidebar: No Marcus Garvey? No Martin Luther King? No Frederick Douglass? WEB Dubois?

I didn't put Garvey or Dubois because they both would beef with whoever else was in the VP spot:manny:

I didn't put MLK.... because I wanted to put Rustin instead for a particular reason. :leostare:

Douglass.... I don't want to be disrespectful.... but I couldnt put him on it because I don't full understand him... Can Anyone explain him to me???...
Never refuse to act with a white society or institution because it is white, or a black one, because it is black. But act with all men without distinction of color. By so acting, we shall find many opportunities for removing prejudices and establishing the rights of all men. We say avail yourselves of white institutions, not because they are white, but because they afford a more convenient means of improvement. But we pass from these suggestions, to others which may be deemed more important. In the Convention that now addresses you, there has been much said on the subject of labor, and especially those departments of it, with which we as a class have been long identified. You will see by the resolutions there adopted on that subject, that the Convention regarded those employments though right in themselves, as being nevertheless, degrading to us as a class, and therefore, counsel you to abandon them as speedily as possible, and to seek what are called the more respectable employments. While the Convention do not inculcate the doctrine that any kind of needful toil is in itself dishonorable, or that colored persons are to be exempt from what are called menial employments, they do mean to say that such employments have been so long and universally filled by colored men, as to become a badge of degradation, in that it has established the conviction that colored men are only fit for such employments. We therefore, advise you by all means, to cease from such employments, as far as practicable, by pressing into others. Try to get your sons into mechanical trades; press them into the blacksmith’s shop, the machine shop, the joiner’s shop, the wheelwright’s shop, the cooper’s shop, and the tailor’s shop.


Jun 4, 2012
Well... I think he was all about self reliance.. like Elijah Muhammad...

But something seems off with the way he words shyt:patrice:

Fredrick Douglas
Understand this, that independence is an essential condition of respectability. To be dependent, is to be degraded. Men may indeed pity us, but they cannot respect us. We do not mean that we can become entirely independent of all men; that would be absurd and impossible, in the social state. But we mean that we must become equally independent with other members of the community. That other members of the community shall be as dependent upon us, as we upon them. — That such is not now the case, is too plain to need an argument. The houses we live in are built by white men — the clothes we wear are made by white tailors — the hats on our heads are made by white hatters, and the shoes on our feet are made by white shoe-makers, and the food that we eat, is raised and cultivated by white men. Now it is impossible that we should ever be respected as a people, while we are so universally and completely dependent upon white men for the necessaries of life. We must make white persons as dependent upon us, as we are upon them. This cannot be done while we are found only in two or three kinds of employments, and those employments have their foundation chiefly, if not entirely, in the pride and indolence of the white people. Sterner necessities, will bring higher respect.

The fact is, we must not merely make the white man dependent upon us to shave him but to feed him; not merely dependent upon us to black his boots, but to make them. A man is only in a small degree dependent on us when he only needs his boots blacked, or his carpet bag carried; as a little less pride, and a little more industry on his part, may enable him to dispense with our services entirely. As wise men it becomes us to look forward to a state of things, which appears inevitable. The time will come, when those menial employments will afford less means of living than they now do. What shall a large class of our fellow countrymen do, when white men find it economical to black their own boots, and shave themselves. What will they do when white men learn to wait on themselves? We warn you brethren, to seek other and more enduring vocations.