Welcome to America, Al Jazeera - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
Everything in this editorial is so spot on. Hopefully this sounds the death knell for American news outlets as we know them. As soon as people realize what a real hard news network looks like, they'll never watch anything else again.
More importantly, this will finally dispel the idiotic idea that AJE is a "terrorist news network," an opinion that would never have existed had it not been for a concentrated disinformation campaign by the US government.
Everything in this editorial is so spot on. Hopefully this sounds the death knell for American news outlets as we know them. As soon as people realize what a real hard news network looks like, they'll never watch anything else again.
More importantly, this will finally dispel the idiotic idea that AJE is a "terrorist news network," an opinion that would never have existed had it not been for a concentrated disinformation campaign by the US government.