Week of the legend!!! Biggie smalls is the Illest!


All Star
Jun 11, 2012




The last interview with Biggie Smalls before he was shot and killed early in the morning on Sunday, March 9th, was with the Wild 107 Doghouse of KYLD 107.7 FM, San Fransisco.

Notorious B.I.G.: When you read magazines and you see everybody having fun, you think, 'okay, that's where I want to be.' But once you get in it and you achieve the sucess that you want, it seems like that's where the player hating starts. You know that's where everybody's like, 'Well it's not all that.'

WILD 107: How did it get to that day when you gotta' watch your back and have bodyguards and all that?
B.I.G.: I mean, it's not just the rappers, you know what i'm saying? People want to attack anybody that's a large figure, you know what I'm saying? They did it to [Michael] Jordan, they did it to [Mike] Tyson, they did it to Bill Cosby, you know what I'm saying? They're gonna' attack you if you on top. It's just your job to bob and weave. I need the security, you know what i'm saying? I can't beat everybody up. I'll go to jail, they'll sue me...because, there's certain things you do when you get to a certain level. I mean it's not just the rappers, you know what i'm saying? people want to level...

WILD 107: Do you collaborate on anything with any West coast producers or...

B.I.G.: I haven't but I will, I mean... I'm just getting over this whole situation with this East coast, West coast thing and they was going through their thing and we was going through our thing and I just came over, you know what I'm saying?? Try to like basically squash it. My album's about to drop March 25th, I need to be all up in the Bay, Oakland, all over, so I'm here, so I gotta grind. I just want to let everybody know that, I'm here... I ain't going nowhere. Bad Boy ain't going nowhere... I'm going to continue to keep making those songs though, make you dance, and make you groove and have kids and all kinds of things (laughs). I'm here, me and my man Caesar Leo...Just gonna do our thing forever. Forever and ever....
WILD 107: Did you always dream to do music?

B.I.G.: No, not actually. Not always.

WILD 107: At what point did you realize, 'Hey, I'm gonna get moving with this, I think this is gonna happen?'

B.I.G.: Probably the second time I went to jail. I was like 'Okay, this is not the move.' Selling drugs, what I was doing wasn't cool.

WILD 107: You told people, 'Sometimes I'd just rather be dead, 'cause in heaven or hell I could just chill out and I don't have anyone stressin' on me.' This whole music thing was supposed to be fun not all this stress.

B.I.G.: Yeah! I mean, you look at situations and you see things differently. Well you know, sometimes it takes maturity, you gotta' mature. When you're brought up around that type of lifestyle where, you know, you're toting guns all your whole life and then you get a record deal. It's kinda hard to break that habit. Until something may happen to you, like, going to jail or you catching a case or somebody trying to do something to you. I know some people that just can't leave their gun no matter how much money they got. It's just the way they was brought up and if that's all they know about then that's all they're gonna' rap about. I'm just a real person. If you're cool with me, I'm cool with you.
I'm not the person with the attitudes or the grudges or, I'm not the person to judge somebody when I just meet 'em. If you're cool with me, I'm cool with you. We can do whatever. We could drink, smoke, kick it. I just like to stay to myself and stay with my immediate family because I know that those are the people I can trust, you know, those are the people that know me inside and out, and I know them inside and out. I'm not really too accustomed to making new friends, but we could kick it. If a producer wants to do something, whatever, whatever, we can link up, you know? I mean, there wasn't really a beef to me in the beginning. Now for other artists, it was a personal problem between me and somebody else, it just happen to wager into an East Coast West Coast.

WILD 107: I wanna ask you how you felt when you first heard "Hit 'Em Up" how did that, did, I mean, it has to hurt some because you guys used to be cool and to hear all that.

B.I.G.: It hurt but I kinda' look at it like business. When you at the top, you gotta' go for the top person's neck, you know what I'm sayin'? You just gotta' get your spot, you know what I'm sayin'? That's what he wanted. I can't be mad at him for that, he just doin' what he got to do. I couldn't be the one to do it back though, that's not my style. I mean, me personally, I got a rhyme about things like that because that's all I know and I look at myself as the eyes of the world, you know, I gotta' tell my story. I tell what I see. If I was involved with other things, then maybe I would rhyme about other things but...That's all I know, you know what I'm sayin'?

At the same time, I know what people want to hear and that's not all I rhyme about. If there's one thing that I learned about "Ready To Die" was that it's a full, rounded album. I got songs from girls, I got songs from thugs, I got songs from the radio. I tried to put a little bit of everything into everything. I'm not a one-sided person. I can't speak for anybody else if that's what they want to rhyme about, that's what they want to rhyme about. I rhyme about everything. Remember that game, telephone, you used to play when you would say something in somebody's ear and you just keep saying it? By the time it gets back to you it's a completely different story. That's basically how it is but it started from here and got all the way changed by the time it got to the East coast. You know, I had nothing to do with that.
Nobody was there to tell him, yo, you need to slow down, you need to just chill. I went through the same situation this summer where I was just movin' too quick. I was going through problems with Faith and I was just, I had my daughers and I was getting a whole bunch of money and I was in a car accident and just moving too fast. Then I just had to sit down...

It just happened to be a coincidence that he was in the studio. He just, he couldn't really say who really had something to do with it at the time. So he just kinda' leaned the blame on me.

All the rumors...you shouldn't be the one to sit back and listen to rumors. Just take the chance to know the person before you judge the person, that goes with anybody, not just me.