We ROLLIN WIT 40s! Got New Rims on this Carr, Ready to ball! Official 2024 Saints Thread

b. woods

May 5, 2012
@taker597 I swear the only time posters on SR generally agree on paying a player is Drew.


Got damn do we have some dumbass fans on that site. If I wasn't lazy I'd bump the MT discussions last year to show all the dumbass people who was saying not to pay him and "our offense can just plug in any player and be just fine!"

Now we getting similar dumbass responses about AK.

These dudes hate seeing nikkas get paid

Any time a brother is trying to get empowered and paid their worth.

All these fukking crackers come out the woods with their bean counters. He ain't worth it. fukk 'em. What really kills me... They biased as fukk and say he isn't CMC caliber. Dude is fukking overrated. Overperform on a meddling 7-9 trainwreck with an unsustainable useage rate. If Kamara had the same usage rate... He'd blow CMC out if the water on one fukking leg.

Butttt nooooo... Drew Brees holds out. Every one of them is like... He gotta gets his worth. Kamara holds out. He even apologized in advanced. Cut/trade him.

They talk about being team fans, but they ain't no damn team without players. I don't understand this mindset.

Brees is gone next year. We need all the elite skilled player we can keep. We don't break the bank on FA. So, why not pay the man...


Though I do slightly disagree with you about CMC. I think he's special. But sadly he's 'wasting' some of his best years while Carolina rebuilds. Carolina would be wise to limit his workload a bit this year if their season starts off rough so that they don't risk him being worn down by the time they get back to relevance.

But yeah. There's a difference between being pro team and being anti player. I consider myself pro team. In the sense that though there are certain players who I will always root for, I'm a Saints fan at the end of the day and put them over any individual player's success. But you can be pro team and also pro player. I'm all for ANY player getting his. On any team. So when we have guys on our team who are worth big $, I'm all for them getting there's by whatever method they deem necessary.

Sometimes it leads to hard breakups like Ingram or Sproles or even Horn back in the day (:mjcry:). But as pro team as I am, I damn sure didn't criticize any of them at the time for wanting their $. This is a barbaric ass game. Get ya money young kings.

Some are making decent arguments about position value and prioritizing paying guys like Ram and Latt first and I can respect that stance, it's the "Forget AK!" "Sign Fournette!" "He's not that good to want a raise!" "We have Montgomery now anyways!!! :krs:" that are just :hhh:.

:smh: Blind, overzealous Stanley Homers :cape: over there (with a touch of :mjpls:)

That is why I hardly visit that place these days. :camby:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO

Going from "talks progressing nicely" to "open to trading him" seems like a drastic turn of events, no?

Wow..... just checking in brehs. Wow.... I’m just learning about this now:ohhh:

One of my brehs has a question

Wonder if the Saints would take S.Thomas and J.McKinnon for A.Kamara straight up:lolbron:



Jun 4, 2012
So "cooler heads have prevailed" but we're fining him...makes me think what started off as a smooth contract negotiation did turn 'ugly' at some point. Kamara's camp seemed surprised by the trade stuff so I'm also guessing someone on the Saints side deliberately put the word out on the trade stuff to officially put teams on notice. Either way, I hope we get a deal done with AK and hopefully there's no hard feelings.