Konami released some brand new screenshots of Hideo Kojima's beloved mecha-action game, Zone of the Enders HD Collection. In addition to showing off some new shots of the HD rendition of the popular titles from the PS2 era, the fact sheet reveals that a playable demo for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will come jam-packed with the HD release.
There's been some mixed criticisms so far in the gaming community about MGR: Revengeance, some gamers aren't fond of Platinum Games taking over for Kojima's production company, while some gamers aren't entirely thrilled that this is a non-stealth oriented Metal Gear game. The general consensus, however, is that Raiden is a badass and the gameplay looks sick. If you're part of that general consensus then you'll also be pleased to know that you can get in on the action sooner rather than later when Zone of the Enders HD Collection releases and lets you get in on the action with a fully playable demo of MGR: Revengeance.
If you're unfamiliar with Zone of the Enders, the best way to describe it is not with words but with a video trailer. Check it out below.
Now that you've had your fill of some aerial, sci-fi, mecha-combat action, it's time to check out some of those screenshots that were discussed at the top of the article. The shots aren't anything spectacular but they are new and everyone likes new things, so that alone will make them worth checking out.
You'll be able to grab the two Japanese classic titles in one giant HD bundle pack this November for both the Xbox 360 and PS3. The addition of the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance demo just makes the deal that much sweeter. You can learn more about Zone of the Enders HD Collection by paying a visit to the Official Website.