"We don't need cheap Mideng(black) people" - Nail Shop Rep


Mar 2, 2013
When a Texas woman felt she’d been slighted by a local nail salon, she took to Twitter to vent, not expecting that the salon’s owner would fire back with a handful of offensive Tweets that she now regrets writing.

The woman tells KPRC-TV’s Amy Davis that she went to the salon for a manicure, but walked out after salon staff began working on two other customers who had come in while she’d been waiting. The customer says she attempted to contact the manager by phone but after that proved unsuccessful, she wrote a short complaint on Twitter.

“I’ve heard so many great things about them BUT I will never go back they are RUDE and they lied to me,” read the Tweet.

Then a woman, who may or may not work at the salon, but who is definitely the salon daughter, Tweeted that, “Some mi deng girl made a post saying we have bad customer service. And will never come back. Okay great!! We don’t need cheap mi deng people. That (expletive) wanted a $10 manicure.” She later suggested that the customer get her nails done at Walmart.

(“Mi deng” is apparently Vietnamese slang for a black person. None of us speak the language, but if anyone who does wants to confirm/clarify, please feel free to write us.)

In addition to the tone of the Tweet, what’s curious about it is that the salon does offer a $10 manicure, so it’s unclear why the owner’s daughter would be so angry about it.

When confronted by the Tweets, the salon owner confirmed that the writer is indeed her daughter.

“That’s my daughter, but I don’t know why she did that,” said the owner, who claims that her daughter doesn’t work at the salon, making it all the more curious why should would care about one upset customer.

In a statement to KPRC, the daughter apologized for the Tweets, explaining, “I made them out of frustration because the many great things heard about the salon are true. [The salon] services all people at the store and would never intentionally disrespect anyone. I am truly sorry.”

This was followed by a statement from the owner, which claimed that the woman who were seen before the customer had actually scheduled their appointments in advance.

“We should have let [the customer] know that at the time of her visit to the salon,” reads the statement. “I have discussed this incident with my daughter and hope she understands that her actions have consequences.”

Once again, this is where we remind everyone — both consumers and businesses — that the best way to make and handle complaints is calmly and professionally.

If you’re fuming mad, the chances are you are going to say something that might only make the situation worse. Whenever possible, it’s best to take a walk around the block — maybe get a muffin — before letting fly with the vitriol.

Nail Salon Apologizes For Insulting, Racially Charged Tweets About Upset Customer


May 2, 2012
wont stop them from supporting asians, they have a symbiotic relationship. asians could call them ****** all day and they'll still need to go to them for hair and nails.