Ethnic Vagina Finder
The Great Paper Chaser
The Machines are corporate interests and big banks.
Instead of using us for batteries they use us for consumerism. Consumerism is their life blood.
The manipulate the media and brainwash the masses through entertainment, religion, news which all feeds off of human emotion. All with the goal of getting us to buy shyt. And not only to just buy shyt, the Mental Matrix detracts us from the fact that we are all slaves to consumerism. Everything costs money and the majority have to consistently work work work. Its become routine. It's be come the norm. Slave for wages so we can consume something.
They use the government to spy.. in addition to spying their damn selves through the very technology we use.
We are all connected to the Matrix and just like the movie, it can't be defeated
Instead of using us for batteries they use us for consumerism. Consumerism is their life blood.
The manipulate the media and brainwash the masses through entertainment, religion, news which all feeds off of human emotion. All with the goal of getting us to buy shyt. And not only to just buy shyt, the Mental Matrix detracts us from the fact that we are all slaves to consumerism. Everything costs money and the majority have to consistently work work work. Its become routine. It's be come the norm. Slave for wages so we can consume something.
They use the government to spy.. in addition to spying their damn selves through the very technology we use.
We are all connected to the Matrix and just like the movie, it can't be defeated