We are all living in a real life MATRIX

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
The Machines are corporate interests and big banks.

Instead of using us for batteries they use us for consumerism. Consumerism is their life blood.

The manipulate the media and brainwash the masses through entertainment, religion, news which all feeds off of human emotion. All with the goal of getting us to buy shyt. And not only to just buy shyt, the Mental Matrix detracts us from the fact that we are all slaves to consumerism. Everything costs money and the majority have to consistently work work work. Its become routine. It's be come the norm. Slave for wages so we can consume something.

They use the government to spy.. in addition to spying their damn selves through the very technology we use.

We are all connected to the Matrix and just like the movie, it can't be defeated :sadcam:
May 15, 2012
your just now realizing this.

And now the Matrix is the entire system we live in.

Remember the Huey Newton nikka who didn't have plugs he was born naturally
in order for you to be unplugged from this Matrix you need to born naturally not in a hospital

that's why there's no birth certificate, no social security number, no ID, then you can be whoever you want when it suits you
with no way of the them tracking you

You realize if you have a social security number your PERSON is traded on Stock Market
and we are currently owned by China
Jul 6, 2012
your just now realizing this.
And now the Matrix is the entire system we live in.
Remember the Huey Newton nikka who didn't have plugs he was born naturally
in order for you to be unplugged from this Matrix you need to born naturally not in a hospital
that's why there's no birth certificate, no social security number, no ID, then you can be whoever you want when it suits you
with no way of the them tracking you
You realize if you have a social security number your PERSON is traded on Stock Market
and we are currently owned by China
(1) There is NO Matrix and even if there was it is not necessarily a bad thing...That movie only provides one side of the argument...

(2) Think about this example...
The human body is kind of a "Matrix" where automated processes and cognitive/meta-cognitive processes work together to help the body satisfy its needs and desires...

A healthy human being has the right mentality that allows it to satisfy its physiological needs (food, protection and reproduction), and by meeting these needs, it is able to pursue its desires, and this relationship is maintained in a constant state of homoeostasis/balance....

(3) Basically, a single cell in your body does not have a concept of self...All it needs are nutrients to perform an automated physiological function...Meaning, a single cell in your body is plugged into the Matrix...A single cell in your body has no clue about the entire body's goals of being a doctor, NBA star and etc...

It just carries its programmed function automatically...

This is good for the Body because it ensures homoeostasis and that all the cell of an organ i.e. the lungs work together in the same rhythm...

(4) When a cell in your body starts thinking for itself, and thinks that he can be more than just a cell in the lungs, what do you get? CANCER...

And this is destructive to the survival of the entire body...

In conclusion,
The Matrix itself is NOT the issue...The problem is the design of the Matrix...
From looking at biological systems, it is clear to me that a Capitalist based Matrix is not the best model...A Communist Matrix is the IDEAL...

The human body is a communist matrix...In a healthy human, every cell in the body gets exactly what it needs to perform its function, and the consciousness that governs the goals of the body, engages in practices that keep every cell satisfied and able to function to its full potential...

This prevents cancer from developing....