If you listen close enough you can literally hear (Academy Award nominee) Brad Dourif go(as in "I can't believe I'm doing this shyt.") as he reads Chucky's lines. Rick Steiner got out-promo'd by an animatronic doll.
When does this happen...? Its too embarrassing to watch the whole thing.
*makes sure no one is on the phone*
"So THIS what all that random laughing was building up to?"
I was (and still am) a huge Chucky fan and the first couple of times I heard that laugh I was finally like "That...that sounds like Chucky's laugh." I even told my friends in middle school "I think that's Chucky's laugh that we keep hearing. I recognize that laugh anywhere." and one of my friends was like "
Nah, Sandman is coming in. That's not Chucky's laugh. What the hell are you talking about? You're stupid.
" Then, the big reveal came and it WAS Chucky (
). I figured it was leading to some angle where Scott and him would do some promos together but we never saw Chucky again after that (until the godawful Seed of Chucky came out
his new movie just came out curse of chucky and its great bought it first day
streamed that jawn, and the ending had me rolling, made up for them making chuckys son a tranny like dr frank n furter