Haven't read the article yet but Chigurh has always been iconic to me because he was villainous in a very different sort of way.
He wasn't just some crazy guy looking to cause chaos like maybe the Joker, and his actions weren't motivated by clearly defined external factors like greed, sex or lust for power. He killed because he could. Not even seeming to gain any sort of satisfaction from it; he just did it like it was a way of life. You can't even explain his actions as being based on some compulsion or NEED to kill since he often let a simple coin toss determine people's fate.
Other villains (no matter how awful) usually have some kind of motivation (no matter how poorly defined) that people can at least in some way relate to on a personal level (jealousy, revenge, rage etc...) but Chigurh had none of those.
I've used Chigurh as a barometer of "villainy" for over 10 years now because I think he is the best example of genuinely (unpredictable) evil. A narcissistic sociopath (the WORST kind of person imo) who kills simply because he has the means to do so. There are people like this in the real world who actually exist which makes him even scarier.