Its a testament to just how much of a joke cmpunk is as the central character of the company at the mo. At least with cena he had years on top until they put him in a program with nxters.And even when they did the nxters were served to him on the platter. Whereas they have ryback trying to breath life into cmpunk's forgettable reignI check out a while ago right after he re-debuts with his new name and start reading reports and again.
He's fighting for world titles now? Did he beat Lord Tensai for the #1 contender spot along the way?![]()
Lord Tensai for the #1 contender
Its a testament to just how much of a joke cmpunk is as the central character of the company at the mo. At least with cena he had years on top until they put him in a program with nxters.And even when they did the nxters were served to him on the platter. Whereas they have ryback trying to breath life into cmpunk's forgettable reign![]()
of course he wouldnt, ryback is a jacked up baby face the E are telling the fans is a star.Cena is a jacked up babyface the E has been trying to tell fans is a star for a decade.There would be no need to make that skip's first program straight outta fcw (or whatever)..What they have skip doing with punk is like janitor duty its embarrassing but then again remember punk's first title reign
Ryback would not be a contender if Cena were champ. Punk is making him look great, after the lumberjack match when Punk kept getting put down, trying to run out only to get thrown back in and eat more of Ryback's offense sold me on the match.
of course he wouldnt, ryback is a jacked up baby face the E are telling the fans is a star.Cena is a jacked up babyface the E has been trying to tell fans is a star for a decade.There would be no need to make that skip's first program straight outta fcw (or whatever)..What they have skip doing with punk is like janitor duty its embarrassing but then again remember punk's first title reign![]()
Yeah.....about that Tensai push.....![]()