Pictured: Inside the squalid tunnel El Chapo spent hours in
On Monday, attorney general Arely Gomez told local radio that people in the house had ordered food for 13 people the night before the raid.
One gunman was killed in the main room just inside a front door riddled with bullet holes. The marines secured the downstairs rooms first.
As they prepared to go upstairs a marine saw a man at the top of the stairs preparing to fire a rocket-propelled grenade. The marine hit the weapon with a couple shots causing the gunman to toss it, the marine guide said in the Televisa interview.
The wall above the stairs was particularly damaged by gunfire as gunmen tried to keep the marines from advancing. Upstairs the marines found two women in a bathroom and two men in a room with a large television.
On a roof patio marines found tossed weapons and a ladder leading to a higher roof. It took about 15 minutes to secure the house. Then the marines followed the attackers across rooftops. Four more gunmen were killed in this pursuit.
There had been no sighting of Guzman and knowing his predilection for tunnels, the marines began looking for an opening.

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