Uncle Pervemost The Third Tales Of Lust "The Big Black Areolas Queen of Shreveport"


TheColi's Areolae Supremicist
Mar 11, 2022
Port City Louisiana Cooper Road
Chapter 1

"It's almost like he can smell how wet you are"
-Handmaiden Ciara

I don't really know how to tell you this, nor do I even know what it means. Truth be told my story is like most women's stories. Being married to a King. But this story isn't that of a Queen, no. Not at all it's the story of a King's Handmaiden, sold off for a few coins, from her father who betrayed the King.

I was about 20 years old, black elbows, dark complexion, 4c hair, curvy like a cello and big hazel eyes that made all the King's company and all the Kingdom's men line up to try my hand in marriage. Life was glamorous when your father is the best friend of the King. My father grew up in servitude to the King, back when he was a prince. The years favored my family, but all that changed when my father sold me to the King to pay a debt.

The night was oddly cold in the Swamps of Shreveport, the air felt frigid and wild. It was prophesized that I would marry a King, the twisted siblings, Justine and Tamika foretold my fate. I'd be lying to you if I told you I was scared. "Do my bidding child. As my oldest child, whom I had no sons I need you to be the one to save my neck and pay this debt." I loved my father I truly did, taking care of him, I did not embrace the touch of a man, nor did I even attempt to satiate my taste for woman. I did what any child did with a health failing parent. I became a caretaker. That's exactly what was to be expected of me from the King. King Maston Dominance.

His story would spread far and wide and always true. He had 6 wives, 10 children, 1 sibling. I had to wait on each hand and foot and only could rest at night. The King would appear to me with lust in his eyes. He stood 5ft 10 stout like a bowling ball on tree logs and skin as dark as midnight. Most men froze in my way as 6 of his children, sons, did. But King Dominance did not. He always had this look upon him a bearded toad with slick back 3c hair, dark brown eyes that pierced your soul and peeled you naked. A look far much further than lust. He caught me tending to the floors in my dress slip as I was cleaning my bedroom chambers. My room was meager, but comfortable. Wooden walls, purple tapestry, a radio, a bed with a mosquito net, night stand and a small oil lamp to read at night. So as on all fours scrubbing the floor, I wasn't startled to hear his heavy boots dragging against the wood. I was startled mostly when I seen his erection and the drool from his lip drip and pour on to the cleanest section of my room. "My what Black Elbows you have there", his eyes was swarming me. "Stand at attention when the King is speaking darling". I turned from my duties and attended to the King. He never touched me, he always stared. I knew since his Queen Mammary died at the last child birth, I assumed one day this day would come. And he would want to cum. And cum again, for I was virgin and he would wed me, not make me his toy of sexual bliss. "Yes my King?", I stood around on my knees, white dress slip tattered and dirty very thin and the cool afternoon breeze of fall was blowing in so my thick big nipples was erected more than usual. The dress slip was caught in between my big brown mounds of ass that shooked, shaked and clapped at each turn. My slightly pudgy stomach and an innie navel hugged the filthy garment tightly you could see my areolas as it was bare and the tiger stripes on my hips, I should be naked, it didn't matter anyway, it was all right there.

"Your elbows are Black? Do you know what that means? You are a filthy woman and unfit to become Queen. I shall not have black elbows around me, I shall-" I interrupted his tirade, "Then explain your erection that drips and is exposed from your loin cloth? I see new veins have a appeared". "You disobedient harlot of a woman! How dare you stare at the royal fruits?" He starts walking removing his boots, his pants were already at his ankles as the first boot came off, loin cloth hung on like a kitten grasping at tree branch swaying in the wind and then it blew away. His massive erection was looked like a toddler's arm holding an orange and drooling like like broken faucet with a slow steady trickle. The King was horny and he wanted sex.

I stayed on my knees, the King never told me to arise. He was close to me his dikk was as royal as it is was a scepter. If smelled of juniper and caramel with faint scent of vaginal essence. The King was fresh from fukking and decided I was next. I didn't even try to put a fight. Why should I? I was going to be Queen one day right? I took his meaty third arm and stroked it, "I'm sorry for offending my King." Kissing it gently with my thick full lips, the bottom lip was so big it draped my upper chin and with this utensil I traced his veins on his shaft, dripping slowly and coating it with my saliva. I slipped it in my mouth slowly, for an unclean instrument that seen combat recently it didn't taste foul, it tasted sweet and the veins pulsed and throbbed. I felt his orgasm was near and I could be left alone to clean my quarters and that's when I heard the King's moans of pleasure...The Kings pleasure. This bowling ball of a man was in the middle of my room as the afternoon sun beamed in on my 4c Afro rocking back and forth sucking and slurping his fruit stick. "Suck it slowly...your father was wise to gift me to you. But you will not savor the result of such effort...not today". The King pulled from my mouth that locked on his husky flesh, my lips created a seal and the suction popped as he slid out forcefully I gagged as I tried to keep him in my mouth. I would lied if I told you the King didn't deserved to squirt honey down my throat. I wanted it. Just as I knew he wanted me by how my breast was exposed and my long voluptuous 38GG breast was out covered in spot and precum.

The King looked even more disgusted at my elbows and breast. "Your breasts are something I never seen before in all of the lands and I seen all breasts in this land! It looks like it was dipped in chocolate and a grape replaced the nipple. You are a foul succubus, not fit for a queen. But my brother Mongo, the Chained Cripple may have use for you. This day forward you will no longer service the royal family, but you will service the Royal shame: Mongo the Chained!" The King had me reattached his loin cloth as his semi was swaying in the breath from breath, oh how I wanted to feel it in hands and how I wanted him to take me in my bed. I heard tales of his strength, it's seed that gushes out like a river's stream and how viscous and copious it is. But that dream is over, so as I placed the last boot on his feet and pulled his pants up to waist. I had to grab his pride one more time and the King was ripe with rage tossed me aside. "You are for Mongo the Crippled!" And the backside of the flattest man ass I would ever see, walked away...for this is how I will soon become Queen.
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TheColi's Areolae Supremicist
Mar 11, 2022
Port City Louisiana Cooper Road
Chapter 2

"Mongo is a sweaty beast of a man"
-Handmaiden Kara

I wake up in my new bedroom which is adjacent to the dungeon of the King's brother, "Mongo the Chained". It smells of stone walls, wet sand and the swamp run off with mud and faint fumes of roses. You can hear water constantly drip and trickle but there is no source for the noise. Only the noise itself. At night you learn to adjust to the saddest sounds coming from the farthest inner most part of the dungeon, Mongo 's chains rattling as he wails in the night. I'm not allowed to go inside his chambers yet. The King says I must get acquainted to my new master of Mongo would kill me like he did with his Handmaiden Candace the Flatchested or even worse attempt to penetrate me like Handmaiden Janice "The Horse from the Back".

You could hear his screams of agony, the call of the wild nightly. Its almost a turn on how a man can wail in suffering I realized. I don't know how to contain myself as much I do. But tonight the 12th night, since I was relocated away from the King's quarters and banished to the wilderness of the compound, I decided to see this Mongo the Chained, the King's crippled brother. I grabbed the oil lamp light and dimmed it's glow. I made sure to remove my panty garments as it smelled of floral arrangements and my p*ssy pheromones. I don't know, but Handmaiden Kara "Pink Lips" told me that Mongo can, "smell a woman coming and smell a woman cumming". I couldn't take the chances for whatever that meant. Maybe the curiosity of me being horny was the driving force or maybe it was cause the wail sounded sexual or maybe I still dreamed of the King's floppy dikk grazing against my milk chocolate skin. The moisture started to gather between my legs and my took the newly freshed linen of my night gown and I dabbed up the slick nectar from my thighs.

As I walked down the hallway, as quiet as possible my prescence was given a way by the soft clapping sounds of my backside. This wagon I was dragging was more than enough of woman, oh how selfish the gods must've been to bestow so much woman upon woman upon woman. I could spare ass for all three women. And my breasts these heavy hangers, chesticle and goddess fruits I have. They swayed and hanged in my night gown that kissed my frame gently. My grape sized nipples were hard as an anvil in the cool dungeon on the countryside, the top part of my gown was low, so low that my chest flesh reminded me of two watermelons covered with a silk sheet the last quarter of the half. You could see my dreaded big black areolas peeking out. That always reminded me of my shame. Always reminded me I was not good enough to be fukked by the King, why I won't be Queen. The oil lamp light shine against my chest that heaved up and down no matter how softly I stepped, and the light always shone so bright on my big black areolas and giant sized nipples.

"Aaaarrgggggghhhhh" he wailed on and on getting louder and louder as I approached the door of his chambers. The small window opening of the door revealed the darkened room, only lit by the small window up high near the ceiling. There was hay for a bed, a bucket for his piss a small of feces where Mongo would shyt and a barrel of liquid for him to drink. But none of that was revealing as the image of Mongo himself. He was chained with 8 chains. Two on each arm, two on each leg. His face was covered in dirt, his hair was kinky, nappy and locs were wild and the only thing free. He was chained to knees and would stand only briefly to let out his wildest moans of discomfort and I caught the crippled beast as he staggered erect, his left leg was mangled like smoke meat barely left hanging to the bone! He wailed and wailed and then he stopped and locked eyes with me. There I seen between the door and I, that this wasn't a man. This was a savage beast! But why did my p*ssy drip? Why did my p*ssy ache from atrophy? I needed to be stretched and then when my breaths skipped it rhythm he moaned and groaned softly. Mongo the Chained had his loins covered modestly in a loin cloth that hadn't been changed since he was a child. His third leg dragged across the stone floor as it seemed to dance in the moonlight! His dikk shadow had a shadow. I could not contain myself, so I touched and my fingers swafted in spat, I reached high under my gown and separated my cat. Teased my bean and circular motion as I got wet my eyes flickering in the oil lamp 's light. Biting my lips, eyes rolling back, my big thick nipples peeking out from the gown, until a melon flopped out and an orgasm was close to snatching me with it wet deathly grip, I was fighting it hard, hard like King Maston Dominance's dikk, shaking violently drooling, the hairs under the strap of my bonnet on my neck stood up, sweat was glistening on my skin, my big juicy, full thick lips was curling up and my humongous bottom lip was curled over my teeth, I was cumming and cumming hard. Mongo must have smelled the p*ssy in air, he tugged ont eh chains as hard as he could. His anchored third leg was stiff as a corpse swinging it upward into the air as precum was flung like silk from a spider as it made it's webb. He moaned and wailed, the more that wild man grabbed at his chains his dikk got harder and I rubbed violently until I came over and over I dropped the oil lamp and before it could break on the stone hall floors I was gone last look running away I seen Mongo wail as the tears in eyes caught the moon light as he went.


Jul 17, 2018
You thought.



TheColi's Areolae Supremicist
Mar 11, 2022
Port City Louisiana Cooper Road
Chapter 3

"Mongo is a beast of a man. Tongue like a goat, dikk like a horse, stroke of an artiste"
-King Maston Dominance

Last night had to be a dream, it simply had to be. I awoke as usual, tight sore p*ssy and rubbed raw bean and labia. I tended to my quarters, made a meager breakfast and was called to the King's throne room. There sat the King, half naked again and in a drunken stupor. His dikk was hanging out again, and while he was vulnerable I thought about it. I could just jerk him off to see it pearl snot was like a river flowing. But the King was fighting his intoxication and oddly was not slurring his speech. The walking Bowling ball of a man commanded me to start caring for his brother Mongo. I wonder if it was me that he is suspicious about with the broken oil lamp at the chambered door? Whispers were heard and all pointed fingers at me. "The Big Black Areolas Witch" they called me. Some to my face and some to my back. The ones that did to my face, I broke their nose. The one that did to my back? I caught them when the sun sets and made sure they would never feel a man sword finding their sheath. So I was not the "Big Black Areolas Witch" for long, I was coined "The Big Black Areola Demoness of Mongo".

I was instructed the following daily and only during the day: Remove Mongo 's waste buckets, mop the chambers add more hay. Destroy old hay by fire, add fresh water and while Mongo is sedated to bath Mongo and never have sex with Mongo nor pleasure Mongo. I can help but believe the King hates me to sit and a woman of my thickness stripped of nothing but a burlap sack to wash and care for the shame of the crown.

The Beast of a man, was not really that much a beast at all. At least when he was sleeping soundly from the tranquilizers the day handlers inject him with to allow me to tend to his chambers. How odd this was the man that aroused such carnal ways into my womanly nature that I had to masturbate on site to his sexualized wailing. I removed the hay, added new hay, burned the old hay. I changed the water, emptied the bucket, swept the feces and mopped around the sleeping brute. He laid as I went about my business, but I could've sworn he had 8 chains attached to him today he has but 4. Perhaps I miscounted that 8? Nonetheless I did what I was inservitude for and nothing more or less.

At night it was the same as every night the sexual moans after me filled the dungeon quarters. Vibrating softly against the stone walls and stone flooring. He was calling after me one of the Handmaidens Deshima Virgin told me. "You must have left something, a scent, a ribbon or you touched him?" Shaking my head no with a laughter, "I wouldn't do such a thing to a monster. He is grotesque, smelly and crippled. This has to be a joke?" But in the back of my mind I knew, Mongo could smell my p*ssy pheromones from that night and like all men before, Mongo was no different. Men would stop dead in their tracks to watch me walk about around them. My big ol booty bouncing and clapping autonomously. I paid no attention to them or how hard my nipples would get when I caught their stares. But yet this time it was Mongo who caught my attention.

Tonight's the night...I went long and hard to fight this sexual womanly urges but Mongo the Chained 's wails is making me carnal again. I ushered out of bed and this time I'm naked. Not a piece of clothing on me but my ribbon and I wear parfume so Mongo can get a whiff of this sweet p*ssy and the scent of a woman he craves. I enjoyed teasing him at this point and would not an orgasm and a laughter. I mean I should have some fun cleaning up human shyt and dumping poss daily right?

I walk the stone flooring not a care in the world and my ass is clapping, standing ovation as I stand on my tippy toes, to see into the darkly lit room. There he is. Mongo the Chained, Mongo the Crippled, Mongo Sword Leg. I start biting my lips and the wetness is flowing. Mongo chains rattle, 1, 2, 3...just 3 this time? Who is forgetting to chain this monster? Like clockwork Mongo nose sniffs the air and he is wailing, drool flowing from his lips, erection defying gravity, he stands as erect as his dikk, crippled left leg and all, flailing and tugging at his chains, wailing and howling as the moonlight covers his torso in shadows and the light hits his loin which is bare and I orgasm. I orgasm hard and harder I cum I didn't notice Mongo stopped wailing and his eyes looking behind me.

I've been caught! The day handler Mr. Thickneck Jones knew all along! He grabs me by the nape of my 4c Afro and unlocks the chamber doors. "No! No! No! I beg you not to do this, I beg you not to!" the words fall on deaf ears so I tug at his big massive hands that used to subdue Mongo and wrestle Hogs and tend to steers. No such luck. "You wanna sit here defile the King's brother huh? Well I got news for you. I'm sure King Dominance will love to hear about how Mongo 's handmaiden sexually teases the beast". He throws me on the cold hard stone floor which is drizzled with the savage man beast's precum that shimmers and twinkles majestically in the dim lit room. I suddenly hear a belt buckle unfastening and Mongo is growling animalistically. I beg the day handler, "Mr. Thickneck Jones, please don't do this! You don't have to do this! I can do whatever you want, but please don't let that beast have me" tears are erupting as this warden of invading my womanhood starts to laugh harder and harder. "Mongo is not smart enough for sex nor would King Dominance allow this beast of a man to know what it's like to savor a piece of ass like you." Unzips. "But me? I seen those elbows. Those black elbows and now here you are nude and I see the rumors are true and the King is a fat face fool to deny himself you. Those Big Black Areolas are divine and I must suck on them and jerk off!" I become mortified as he pulls down his pants to let them plop to his ankles the moonlight catches his crotch and I see the shortest, inch of a inch of flesh like a pinky appendage with a raisin head. He kneels before me saying a sexually charged chant, "Oh dear Goddess of the Night! Mother of all Carnal Lust! I'm not worthy to feed up on such meaty breasts of Big Black Areolas! I'm not worthy to suckle on big thick nipples!" Struggling to evade his grasp he hold me down as his erection is inching my face, I feel tears hit my cheek. "Please Goddess, I know who you are and I just want to offer my cum to you for blessings". This man is sick and sexually drunk on carnal lust and the anger erupting from Mongo doesn't help. "Goddess? What the fukk are you talking about?"

The day handler explains that my Big Black Areolas is the biggest and blackest found throughout the kingdom and that I am the Goddess reincarnated of the devout Worshippers. That he is the leader of the secret cult of "Areolun Sicc" and that I am the Goddess, "Maman Areolae".


TheColi's Areolae Supremicist
Mar 11, 2022
Port City Louisiana Cooper Road
Chapter 4

"And with big black areolae from the dirt she was born and with big black areolas from the dirt she shall return"
-Ejaculate Jubilation Chapter 61:79

"Many years ago there was a Goddess Maman Areolae who brought peace to the Earth. She was dark skinned and fine as she is gorgeous. 4C hair that kissed the sky and the sweetest smelling p*ssy that made you lick the air as she walked by. Men would come and cum as offerings to her for blessings. She was loving as a mother, but as horny as a whore. She was always the one taking the virginity of the greatest warrior and of the weakest cowardly man, giving them strength. She made Kings and broke Gods before her. Until that faithful day her sister, "Thick Thunder Requisha was born from the skies!" Out of nowhere it started to rain down and the thunder was rumbling and Mongo cowards as his chains rattled. He continued, dikk still hard as he beats off slowly, priming his dikk as he calls it. "Requisha was a flat chested hussie of a Goddess, jealous she has little ass areolas that were so light and small in diameter she had a chest of a man! All she had was big booty, and with her flat chest and big ass she threatened the balance of the world of good and evil. There were wars: Skinny vs Fat, short vs tall, ugly vs attractive. Until Goddess Maman Areolae fought against her divine sister in mortal combat. And the big booty man chested bytch slew our goddess. But if I can get 50 men to sacrifice their semen to you, you can regain your power." Questioningly I respond, "Then what is stopping you?"

The ritual calls for the lowest of the low of men was be chained down behind the Vixen vessel, and 50 men of her divine bloodline, the original worshippers must take turn jerking off and chanting their calls for divine intervention and splatter the areolae until it looks like milk spilled up on the flesh pillows. I look around and I see that tonight was the night. I'm naked, head to toe, p*ssy wet from this little dikk man wanting to worship me and Mongo behind me. The crippled shame of the crown. And I see torch light down the hallway. As I lay back under Mongo dikk shadow that covers my head, p*ssy slippery like a freshly muddied hog, "I'm ready".


TheColi's Areolae Supremicist
Mar 11, 2022
Port City Louisiana Cooper Road
Chapter 5

"Requisha killed her voluptuous goddess sibling and darkness fell over the big black ass, the massive black booty and chaos ensued"
-Ejaculate Jubilation Chapter 78:24 (KMD version)

Each men of all penile size one by one took their offering and gave it to me. As their man gravy flung high and flung low on my breasts and landed over my big black areolae, I started to see visions. Their chants muted as the vision grew stronger with each copious amount of semen. The dayhandler told me the men had been celibate for years waiting on my maturity for this night. Drinking semen volumizers in a concoction that most mortal men would vomit from the elixir that was only made for my servants, my worshipers.

The visions of Maman Areolae came and I was able to feel the Heavens erupt as clouds parted and I seen the Earth of men with hard dikks. Veiny hard dikks dripping walking aimlessly needed to be drained. The men saw me walking from the Heavens in a purple silky fabrique adorned with gold and my big black breasts, veiny black breasts, big thick grape sized nipples erected exposed and ass clapping in the back that was thunderous, causing hard dikk far and wide to drop to the knees as I touched ground. They bowed before so fast and much that precum was flowing through the air like confetti at the 1st Nut Orgy Party at her shrine.

Back to reality as that vision fades, I'm only half way there. The baby batter that was once warm and sticky and turn cold and cake as each men were so over joyed by my the sheer size of my areolas that their bodies were pumping more and more cum than usual even with the concoction they drank five times a day. These men were full cum, and so much of it that before the chant was done they were cumming. "Be strong men! Prime but you must fight back the urges!" This particular offering made me fade to black and I see the birth of Requisha. The anger of this bytch made my nipples harder and my areolas grew hotter the cum started to liquify.


TheColi's Areolae Supremicist
Mar 11, 2022
Port City Louisiana Cooper Road
Chapter 6

"It was a battle of asses, areolae and Goddesses. Blood was shed, men masturbated to both. Lines were drawn and from the blood droplets of the Goddesses women were born. Some with big t*ts, big black areolas, lil ass areolas, no color areolas in combination of flat ass, big ass. It caused wars."
-Ejaculate Jubilation Missing Book of The Masterbate

"Sister! You would have these men fawn over you for sexual excitement and be praised? Wrong sister! Wrong! I come to cleanse the error of your ways! I will enslaved these men to do our bidding and we can rule them together as our play things and enjoy the semen of their offering that empowers us and strengthen us!" Requisha The Flat chest Hussie Goddess mocked her busty sibling. She taunted and even made jokes about how her body looked. "They look like burnt pancakes! These men should love our backside which you still way more than they should enjoy! Come sister let us show these men how Goddesses make love!" Maman Areolae looked down at her servants who were losing favor in her existence. A the cum she gathered of the years before her Goddess sibling was born seem like a millennium ago, which it truly was.

"Requisha, I do not care to be bothered by your antics, there is enough hard dikk and cum to go around. Have you share of my offerings, I care not to squabble with such a goddess of jealousy. Be happy you have ass that has these man bended on knee with hard veiny dikks." She waved her goddess sibling off and with that I felt blood tickle from my cheek. "So a Goddess can bleed?"

And Requisha took a boulder and bashed in Maman Areolae head. My eyes awakened and as the copious amount of cum dripped and puddled around my feet, I aroused as all 49 men encircled me with Mongo the Chained behind us. The dayhandler freed Mongo the Crippled and he took his dikk into his hand throbbing and panting, scared and shaking at my heavenly glow and now cum free body that revealed Goddess flesh of the Biggest Blackest Areolas on a 36GG, the scraggly looking man peered at me and ushered the final chant.

The chant from the weakest and foulest of men. He said faintly, "Goddess of All Women, big breasted and Veiny Areolae as Black as night" he stumbled weakly at my feet, his once mighty erection barely hard; even hardly a semi with precum drying up at the top and crumbling. I walked towards him in the darkly chlorine scented dungeon, "Mongo the Chained, your brother stole your crown and imprisoned you in his stead. But I am here to offer peace and for you to sit the throne. fukk me after you complete the chant." Mongo with tears in his and rejuvenated with the mightiest of all erections he stood on that bad crippled bone and fleshed leg and continued loudly and angrily, "GODDESS OF THE BREASTED AND VEINY AREOLAE...BLACK AS MIDNIGHT! I OFFER MY MEAGER CUM TO MY MAMAN, THAT I PROCLAIM I WILL HAVE NO OTHER GODDESS BEFORE YOU, AND SHALL NOT AFTER YOU! MAY MY CUM FEED YOUR ESSENCE AND RESTORE FAITH IN HUMANITY!" A loud roar erupted and the dungeon became a field of fleur de lis and Mongo and the 49 men lined up side by side in a line and watched as Mongo the Crippled, Mongo the Chained, Mongo The King finally found the sheath for his sword.