TheColi's Areolae Supremicist
Chapter 1
"It's almost like he can smell how wet you are"
-Handmaiden Ciara
I don't really know how to tell you this, nor do I even know what it means. Truth be told my story is like most women's stories. Being married to a King. But this story isn't that of a Queen, no. Not at all it's the story of a King's Handmaiden, sold off for a few coins, from her father who betrayed the King.
I was about 20 years old, black elbows, dark complexion, 4c hair, curvy like a cello and big hazel eyes that made all the King's company and all the Kingdom's men line up to try my hand in marriage. Life was glamorous when your father is the best friend of the King. My father grew up in servitude to the King, back when he was a prince. The years favored my family, but all that changed when my father sold me to the King to pay a debt.
The night was oddly cold in the Swamps of Shreveport, the air felt frigid and wild. It was prophesized that I would marry a King, the twisted siblings, Justine and Tamika foretold my fate. I'd be lying to you if I told you I was scared. "Do my bidding child. As my oldest child, whom I had no sons I need you to be the one to save my neck and pay this debt." I loved my father I truly did, taking care of him, I did not embrace the touch of a man, nor did I even attempt to satiate my taste for woman. I did what any child did with a health failing parent. I became a caretaker. That's exactly what was to be expected of me from the King. King Maston Dominance.
His story would spread far and wide and always true. He had 6 wives, 10 children, 1 sibling. I had to wait on each hand and foot and only could rest at night. The King would appear to me with lust in his eyes. He stood 5ft 10 stout like a bowling ball on tree logs and skin as dark as midnight. Most men froze in my way as 6 of his children, sons, did. But King Dominance did not. He always had this look upon him a bearded toad with slick back 3c hair, dark brown eyes that pierced your soul and peeled you naked. A look far much further than lust. He caught me tending to the floors in my dress slip as I was cleaning my bedroom chambers. My room was meager, but comfortable. Wooden walls, purple tapestry, a radio, a bed with a mosquito net, night stand and a small oil lamp to read at night. So as on all fours scrubbing the floor, I wasn't startled to hear his heavy boots dragging against the wood. I was startled mostly when I seen his erection and the drool from his lip drip and pour on to the cleanest section of my room. "My what Black Elbows you have there", his eyes was swarming me. "Stand at attention when the King is speaking darling". I turned from my duties and attended to the King. He never touched me, he always stared. I knew since his Queen Mammary died at the last child birth, I assumed one day this day would come. And he would want to cum. And cum again, for I was virgin and he would wed me, not make me his toy of sexual bliss. "Yes my King?", I stood around on my knees, white dress slip tattered and dirty very thin and the cool afternoon breeze of fall was blowing in so my thick big nipples was erected more than usual. The dress slip was caught in between my big brown mounds of ass that shooked, shaked and clapped at each turn. My slightly pudgy stomach and an innie navel hugged the filthy garment tightly you could see my areolas as it was bare and the tiger stripes on my hips, I should be naked, it didn't matter anyway, it was all right there.
"Your elbows are Black? Do you know what that means? You are a filthy woman and unfit to become Queen. I shall not have black elbows around me, I shall-" I interrupted his tirade, "Then explain your erection that drips and is exposed from your loin cloth? I see new veins have a appeared". "You disobedient harlot of a woman! How dare you stare at the royal fruits?" He starts walking removing his boots, his pants were already at his ankles as the first boot came off, loin cloth hung on like a kitten grasping at tree branch swaying in the wind and then it blew away. His massive erection was looked like a toddler's arm holding an orange and drooling like like broken faucet with a slow steady trickle. The King was horny and he wanted sex.
I stayed on my knees, the King never told me to arise. He was close to me his dikk was as royal as it is was a scepter. If smelled of juniper and caramel with faint scent of vaginal essence. The King was fresh from fukking and decided I was next. I didn't even try to put a fight. Why should I? I was going to be Queen one day right? I took his meaty third arm and stroked it, "I'm sorry for offending my King." Kissing it gently with my thick full lips, the bottom lip was so big it draped my upper chin and with this utensil I traced his veins on his shaft, dripping slowly and coating it with my saliva. I slipped it in my mouth slowly, for an unclean instrument that seen combat recently it didn't taste foul, it tasted sweet and the veins pulsed and throbbed. I felt his orgasm was near and I could be left alone to clean my quarters and that's when I heard the King's moans of pleasure...The Kings pleasure. This bowling ball of a man was in the middle of my room as the afternoon sun beamed in on my 4c Afro rocking back and forth sucking and slurping his fruit stick. "Suck it slowly...your father was wise to gift me to you. But you will not savor the result of such effort...not today". The King pulled from my mouth that locked on his husky flesh, my lips created a seal and the suction popped as he slid out forcefully I gagged as I tried to keep him in my mouth. I would lied if I told you the King didn't deserved to squirt honey down my throat. I wanted it. Just as I knew he wanted me by how my breast was exposed and my long voluptuous 38GG breast was out covered in spot and precum.
The King looked even more disgusted at my elbows and breast. "Your breasts are something I never seen before in all of the lands and I seen all breasts in this land! It looks like it was dipped in chocolate and a grape replaced the nipple. You are a foul succubus, not fit for a queen. But my brother Mongo, the Chained Cripple may have use for you. This day forward you will no longer service the royal family, but you will service the Royal shame: Mongo the Chained!" The King had me reattached his loin cloth as his semi was swaying in the breath from breath, oh how I wanted to feel it in hands and how I wanted him to take me in my bed. I heard tales of his strength, it's seed that gushes out like a river's stream and how viscous and copious it is. But that dream is over, so as I placed the last boot on his feet and pulled his pants up to waist. I had to grab his pride one more time and the King was ripe with rage tossed me aside. "You are for Mongo the Crippled!" And the backside of the flattest man ass I would ever see, walked away...for this is how I will soon become Queen.
"It's almost like he can smell how wet you are"
-Handmaiden Ciara
I don't really know how to tell you this, nor do I even know what it means. Truth be told my story is like most women's stories. Being married to a King. But this story isn't that of a Queen, no. Not at all it's the story of a King's Handmaiden, sold off for a few coins, from her father who betrayed the King.
I was about 20 years old, black elbows, dark complexion, 4c hair, curvy like a cello and big hazel eyes that made all the King's company and all the Kingdom's men line up to try my hand in marriage. Life was glamorous when your father is the best friend of the King. My father grew up in servitude to the King, back when he was a prince. The years favored my family, but all that changed when my father sold me to the King to pay a debt.
The night was oddly cold in the Swamps of Shreveport, the air felt frigid and wild. It was prophesized that I would marry a King, the twisted siblings, Justine and Tamika foretold my fate. I'd be lying to you if I told you I was scared. "Do my bidding child. As my oldest child, whom I had no sons I need you to be the one to save my neck and pay this debt." I loved my father I truly did, taking care of him, I did not embrace the touch of a man, nor did I even attempt to satiate my taste for woman. I did what any child did with a health failing parent. I became a caretaker. That's exactly what was to be expected of me from the King. King Maston Dominance.
His story would spread far and wide and always true. He had 6 wives, 10 children, 1 sibling. I had to wait on each hand and foot and only could rest at night. The King would appear to me with lust in his eyes. He stood 5ft 10 stout like a bowling ball on tree logs and skin as dark as midnight. Most men froze in my way as 6 of his children, sons, did. But King Dominance did not. He always had this look upon him a bearded toad with slick back 3c hair, dark brown eyes that pierced your soul and peeled you naked. A look far much further than lust. He caught me tending to the floors in my dress slip as I was cleaning my bedroom chambers. My room was meager, but comfortable. Wooden walls, purple tapestry, a radio, a bed with a mosquito net, night stand and a small oil lamp to read at night. So as on all fours scrubbing the floor, I wasn't startled to hear his heavy boots dragging against the wood. I was startled mostly when I seen his erection and the drool from his lip drip and pour on to the cleanest section of my room. "My what Black Elbows you have there", his eyes was swarming me. "Stand at attention when the King is speaking darling". I turned from my duties and attended to the King. He never touched me, he always stared. I knew since his Queen Mammary died at the last child birth, I assumed one day this day would come. And he would want to cum. And cum again, for I was virgin and he would wed me, not make me his toy of sexual bliss. "Yes my King?", I stood around on my knees, white dress slip tattered and dirty very thin and the cool afternoon breeze of fall was blowing in so my thick big nipples was erected more than usual. The dress slip was caught in between my big brown mounds of ass that shooked, shaked and clapped at each turn. My slightly pudgy stomach and an innie navel hugged the filthy garment tightly you could see my areolas as it was bare and the tiger stripes on my hips, I should be naked, it didn't matter anyway, it was all right there.
"Your elbows are Black? Do you know what that means? You are a filthy woman and unfit to become Queen. I shall not have black elbows around me, I shall-" I interrupted his tirade, "Then explain your erection that drips and is exposed from your loin cloth? I see new veins have a appeared". "You disobedient harlot of a woman! How dare you stare at the royal fruits?" He starts walking removing his boots, his pants were already at his ankles as the first boot came off, loin cloth hung on like a kitten grasping at tree branch swaying in the wind and then it blew away. His massive erection was looked like a toddler's arm holding an orange and drooling like like broken faucet with a slow steady trickle. The King was horny and he wanted sex.
I stayed on my knees, the King never told me to arise. He was close to me his dikk was as royal as it is was a scepter. If smelled of juniper and caramel with faint scent of vaginal essence. The King was fresh from fukking and decided I was next. I didn't even try to put a fight. Why should I? I was going to be Queen one day right? I took his meaty third arm and stroked it, "I'm sorry for offending my King." Kissing it gently with my thick full lips, the bottom lip was so big it draped my upper chin and with this utensil I traced his veins on his shaft, dripping slowly and coating it with my saliva. I slipped it in my mouth slowly, for an unclean instrument that seen combat recently it didn't taste foul, it tasted sweet and the veins pulsed and throbbed. I felt his orgasm was near and I could be left alone to clean my quarters and that's when I heard the King's moans of pleasure...The Kings pleasure. This bowling ball of a man was in the middle of my room as the afternoon sun beamed in on my 4c Afro rocking back and forth sucking and slurping his fruit stick. "Suck it slowly...your father was wise to gift me to you. But you will not savor the result of such effort...not today". The King pulled from my mouth that locked on his husky flesh, my lips created a seal and the suction popped as he slid out forcefully I gagged as I tried to keep him in my mouth. I would lied if I told you the King didn't deserved to squirt honey down my throat. I wanted it. Just as I knew he wanted me by how my breast was exposed and my long voluptuous 38GG breast was out covered in spot and precum.
The King looked even more disgusted at my elbows and breast. "Your breasts are something I never seen before in all of the lands and I seen all breasts in this land! It looks like it was dipped in chocolate and a grape replaced the nipple. You are a foul succubus, not fit for a queen. But my brother Mongo, the Chained Cripple may have use for you. This day forward you will no longer service the royal family, but you will service the Royal shame: Mongo the Chained!" The King had me reattached his loin cloth as his semi was swaying in the breath from breath, oh how I wanted to feel it in hands and how I wanted him to take me in my bed. I heard tales of his strength, it's seed that gushes out like a river's stream and how viscous and copious it is. But that dream is over, so as I placed the last boot on his feet and pulled his pants up to waist. I had to grab his pride one more time and the King was ripe with rage tossed me aside. "You are for Mongo the Crippled!" And the backside of the flattest man ass I would ever see, walked away...for this is how I will soon become Queen.
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