Dude looks straight up fat and out of shape, are UFC brehs not encouraged to lean out before a fight

Heavyweight fighters can get away with it and some use their extra fat to their advantage. DC uses his fat gut and low center of gravity to smother people (see his fight against Derrick Lewis) and Roy Nelson used to do the same. Plus the extra weight adds power behind their punches and kicks and helps them absorb body blows. You won’t see guys this out of shape in lower weight classes though.
Dude has been wrestling his whole life,
before he got into mma he was a very successful wrestler. And he is a beast physically for his height and weight.
Not everyone has amazing genetics that make them look like wilder or anthony joshua
He has had kidney problems in the past from what I remember.I’m sure dude is knocking any regular dude in the street out, but on a professional wouldn’t it help to just slim up a little bit
Dude has been wrestling his whole life,
before he got into mma he was a very successful wrestler. And he is a beast physically for his height and weight.
Not everyone has amazing genetics that make them look like wilder or anthony joshua