did you make sure to enable ALL the ad-blocking lists? no?
open the ublock origin plugin, and click settings. Navigate to "Filter List"
on top of the search bar is a drop-down arrow that 99.99999999% of people miss.
click that hoe and see what happens. BAM
yo, hold up.. wait.. howd i miss that?
make sure you check EVERYTHING except the additional language***
sometimes but very rarely ublock updates and resets the check boxes so be sure to check them once in a while if ads are seeping through
stay vigilant
***be sure to check additional languages if you are a passport breh. dont wanna get swindled while booking your tickets
open the ublock origin plugin, and click settings. Navigate to "Filter List"
on top of the search bar is a drop-down arrow that 99.99999999% of people miss.
click that hoe and see what happens. BAM
yo, hold up.. wait.. howd i miss that?
make sure you check EVERYTHING except the additional language***
sometimes but very rarely ublock updates and resets the check boxes so be sure to check them once in a while if ads are seeping through
stay vigilant
***be sure to check additional languages if you are a passport breh. dont wanna get swindled while booking your tickets