U.S. Government Plans to Push Americans Out of Suburbs to Move in Planned Cities
U.S. Government Plans to Push Americans Out of Suburbs to Move in Planned Cities (video) - The Vigilant Citizen - The Vigilant Citizen
Agenda 21 is an United Nations “action plan” that basically defines how citizens will live in the 21th Century. Under the guise of “eco-sustainability” and other “you-must-agree-with” buzz words, the plan ultimately reduces the freedoms and living conditions of citizens, not to mention reduce individual and property rights. A major component of this action plan is to get citizens out of rural and suburbans areas to get them to live in dense, highly planned and controlled mega-cities. The elite wants to see citizens use less space, own less land and real estate and they want them to fully depend on state-owned public transportation.
Corporations like IBM are highly involved in the creation of these “smart cities”.
Concrete action is now being taken to push this plan forward. The U.S. government is looking to implement new policies to discourage people from living in the suburbs and to promote living in major cities. Here’s a report from FOX News about the plan. However, don’t be fooled: While the report blames Obama and the Democrats for the plan, it was already in action when Bush and the Republicans were in power. Plans of the world elite advance no matter who’s in power.. Here’s the report.
Viewing this report reminded me of a short video I posted on Vigilant Citizen two years ago named “Planne-Opolis”. Created by the Forum for the Future (which was funded by corporations such as Bank of America, the City of London Corporation, PepsiCo UK, Time Warner, Royal Dutch Shell and Vodafone) the video describes how a planned city would work. While the little cartoon woman attempts to make it all seem amazing, the implications of this video are nothing less than chilling.
Here are some of the “lowlights” of the video:
Food and water is regulated and rationed by a “Global Food Council” which seizes total control over farming. Meat is a rare treat only to be enjoyed on special occasions
The state decides what your job will be with “designated career announcements,” nobody has the choice to decide their own vocation
Movement and behavior is controlled by a calorie credit card linked to a smart phone that rations the amount of travel the citizens of planned-opolis, are allowed to make. Private ownership of cars will be banned for non-elitists because, “the state knows they just aren’t practical anymore.”
“It makes so much sense doesn’t it,” insists the smiley faced slave “Vee,” who enjoys the fact that she can “switch off brain and go to work,” adding, “With this many people around I’m glad there’s a mega-computer in charge.”
Those who resist and still cling to some semblance of freedom in defiance of the state and the super-computers running the slave grid, there’s the “cry freedom ghetto,” prison camps for malcontents who are blocked from getting jobs, accessing high speed transport or the Internet
Other scenarios conceived by Forum for the Future are slightly different but they all have common threads: drastic reduction of rights, privileges and freedoms; constant reference to “an elite” having exclusive rights on cars and other luxuries; state controlling all aspects of life.
“Makes much sense, doesn’t it?” Nope, and get off my property.
U.S. Government Plans to Push Americans Out of Suburbs to Move in Planned Cities (video) - The Vigilant Citizen - The Vigilant Citizen