Berniewood Hogan
Al Snow has a good breakdown on what the term "heat" really means in "the business" for a "shoot." But he doesn't go into detail about the different kinds of heat one can have. So, let's discuss those here.
- Cheap Heat: boos and jeers easily obtained by insulting the crowd's local sports heroes or ugly women
- Go Away Heat: a failure to generate real heat, resulting in the audience wishing the performer would return to their home planet
- X-Pac Heat: a subset of Go Away Heat unique to X-Pac's unfortunate career trajectory in the early 2000's
- Latino Heat: sensing the anxiety white people had about the Latinization of American culture, the genius Eddie Guerrero coined this double entendre
- Nuclear Heat: extreme hatred for an individual, usually only used in reference to a guy getting a gimmick over and having a lot of heat with the boys
- Sunday Night Heat: home of Planet Stasiak, Meat, and other Shawn Stasiak failures