Two detectives fired from Putnam County Sheriff's Office after bar brawl

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
PUTNAM COUNTY, Fla. -- The Putnam County Sheriff's Office fired two deputies for their behavior at a bar, according to an internal investigation obtained by Action News.

The incident happened at the Hi Level Lounge & Package on June 8.

"The one deputy got real belligerent with my security personnel," said bar owner Larry Adkins.

The sheriff's office said Detective Joshua Maynard started a fight at the bar while holding a gun and drinking alcohol. The internal investigation showed he had a fight with a bar patron after being accused of grabbing a woman's behind. After the fight, Maynard was kicked out of the bar.

Maynard lost his personal gun during the fight. The owner of the bar found the weapon and turned it in to the sheriff's office.

Maynard has been with the Putnam County Sheriff's Office since March 2011. He can file an appeal. He was Detective of the Year in 2012.

"Outstanding young man who made a bad decision that the sheriff cannot defend," said Maj. Gary Bowling.

After the fight, several customers reported a man and a woman having sex in the bathroom. Customers, according to the internal investigation, identified the two people as Detective Raymond Strickland and his girlfriend.

"It perfectly states that no girl and guy are allowed in the restroom at the same time at any given time," said Adkins.

Strickland denied having sex in a public place.

Adkins said Strickland threw his badge in his face and asked, "Do you know what this is?'"

Strickland was fired for violating the code of conduct and misuse of agency identification while drinking. He was on probation due to his date of hire and therefore cannot appeal his termination.

We went to get their side of the story but no one was home. Action News reporter Ryan Smith spoke with a family member of Maynard, "he said he made a mistake and he's willing to be a man about it and take whatever punishment comes his way," said Ed Diver.

Maynard was not arrested for starting the fight because the other man involved has yet to press charges.

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