Two Colorado teens killed after trying to extort neighbor over $ex tape


May 4, 2012

A Colorado man allegedly confessed to killing two teenage boys after the pair tried to blackmail him with a video of him asking one of the boys for sex, cops and friends said.
William Otto, 43, told investigators that the two teens — Gustavo (Danny) Espinosa-Gamboa, 16, and Jonathan Gonzalez, 15 — threatened to go to cops with the video unless he coughed up $20,000, according to ABC News.
Issiah Furley, 17, said the two teenagers showed him the cell phone video before they went missing on Friday.
“The video made me not feel good in my stomach,” Furley told 9News.
Furley, who lives near Otto’s High Street home in Adams County, said he pleaded with his pals not to go through with the extortion plot.
“They said they were going to try and get money from him,” Furley told the news station. “And I told them, ‘Don’t do it.’”
The recording allegedly captured Otto, a maintenance supervisor at Harlan Bakeries, asking Espinosa-Gamboa for oral sex.
“They told me that he was over here hitting on (Danny), telling (Danny) to do nasty things on him,” another friend, Emilio Baigle, told ABC News.
“They said they were going to try to get some money out of it or sent him to jail,” Baigle said.
Investigators said the doomed teens went to Otto’s house with a note demanding $10,000 each to keep quiet about the video.
Otto, who neighbors said often invited teenage boys into his home to drink alcohol, told cops that he refused to pay and fatally shot them with a handgun after one of the boys came at him with a knife, ABC News reported.
Furley said he went to Otto’s home Saturday morning to ask about his friends after they were reported missing.
But the usually friendly Otto brushed him off.
“I don’t have time for this,” Otto allegedly told him at the door. “I have to go.”
Furley called the police and reported Otto — who had loaded his truck with suspicious items that included a gas can, a shovel and a rake — was acting “kind of scary,” according to ABC News.
Investigators went to Otto’s home, but he wasn’t there.
The suspect turned himself in to police on Sunday and confessed to the double murder, the news station reported.
Otto told cops that he wrapped the bodies in blankets and drove them 150 miles to his family’s farm, where he buried them.
He pointed authorities to the shallow graves before he was booked on murder charges. He was being held without bail on Wednesday.