Twitter suspends anti-Kamala Harris accounts suspected of being trolls (Its Black twitter accounts)

Crude Abolitionist

End Slavery
Feb 16, 2017
Twitter suspends anti-Kamala Harris accounts suspected of being trolls
  • Twitter this week suspends at least two accounts suspected of troll-like behavior targeting presidential contender Sen. Kamala Harris of California as well as other Democratic candidates.
  • The accounts were created recently and had few followers. But they posted easily shareable content about the senator's record as a prosecutor that earned an outsized audience on the platform.
  • One of those accounts claims to belong to a black man in the South who opposes Harris and supports Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is exploring a presidential run of his own.
Tucker Higgins | @tuckerhiggins
Published 5:13 PM ET Fri, 1 Feb 2019 Updated 5:33 PM ET Fri, 1 Feb 2019


Twitter this week suspended at least two accounts suspected of troll-like behavior targeting presidential contender Sen. Kamala Harris of California as well as other Democratic candidates.

The accounts were created recently and had few followers. But they posted easily shareable content about the senator's record as a prosecutor that earned an outsized audience on the platform.

One of those accounts claimed to belong to a black man in the South who opposes Harris and supports Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is exploring a presidential run of his own. That account, @WillisJermane, was created in November 2018 and tweeted about 500 times before it was suspended on Wednesday.

Another account Twitter suspended was @Copmala, which the company suggested violated Twitter's rules against impersonation. That account was created in January.

The suspensions mark an early test of the social media platform as it wrestles with the fallout of the last presidential race. Twitter has been criticized for not doing enough to stem disinformation posted by fake accounts during the 2016 race, including those that were part of a targeted campaign by the Russian government to stoke tensions around race and other matters. At the same time, Twitter has said it supports the free speech of its users.

A spokesperson for Twitter told CNBC that the company was limited in how much it could say about specific suspensions and that they were not aware whether the accounts were linked.

But the spokesperson said it would be "very accurate" to say that Twitter's prohibition on creating "50 accounts and have them all tweet, all use the same hashtag, to try to make that hashtag trend" was one reason why the @WillisJermane account was suspended.

The spokesperson also pointed to Twitter's ability to determine whether a user is being truthful about where they say they are located geographically.

"If we know an account is somewhere and it is saying something contrary to that, that is something that is taken into account," the spokesperson said.

One of the most shared pieces of content the account posted was a 2010 video that showed Harris laughing about prosecuting parents of truant children during a speech she gave at the Commonwealth Club in Northern California.

"A child going without an education is tantamount to a crime," Harris says in the two-minute video. "So I decided I was going to start prosecuting parents for truancy."

Prominent figures circulated the video, including top university professors and scholars, as well as the Oscar-nominated director Josh Fox, an active environmental activist.

The video was unearthed recently by the independent journalist Walker Bragman and covered by national news outlets. Fox News included a tweet from @WillisJermane in its report of the video and noted that the account had been suspended. A spokesperson for Harris' campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

The Twitter spokesperson said that the accounts were not suspended because of the content that they shared.

Twitter suspends anti-Kamala Harris accounts suspected of being trolls

Here are some examples of the suspended accounts and what they were posting take a look

Copmala (@Copmala) | Twitter
Jermane Lee Willis (@WillisJermane) on Twitter

So there is alot to unpack here...The famous video of Kamala Harris laughing about sending parents to jail was put out by a twitter user who then got banned for being a troll...

All they did was find a video of the candidate and posted it.

How the fukk is that trolling?

Are they going to come after Tariq for posting this?

So basically Twitter + Dems are censoring any negative news about Harris....

They truly are going to make her the one and Black Media is going to make her life a living hell no amount of censorship will be able to silence to voices of Black media.

The cacs are hitting the panic button early here.

Stay alert.


May 6, 2012
It's already over for her. Dems need like 85%+ of black vote to win. We like 20+% of the Dems base. They can't win if we decide to not vote at all. And there's already 10's of thousands of us not voting for her already and it's only been a week since she anounced. Bernie or who ever they say the front runner is next will get the same treatment if black ain't on the ballet.

George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
It's funny to me, the governor of Virginia (Democrat who Black folks praised in recent years btw) did blackface over thirty years ago and is being told he needs to step down. I can't speak on his policies and how it affected Black communities, but Kamala Harris has been fukkin over Black folks for the past decade and the DNC is forcing her down our throats. Same way Hillary was. History is about to repeat itself. It's good to get her out the paint now before she becomes a wasted contender like Hillary.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
It's funny to me, the governor of Virginia (Democrat who Black folks praised in recent years btw) did blackface over thirty years ago and is being told he needs to step down. I can't speak on his policies and how it affected Black communities, but Kamala Harris has been fukkin over Black folks for the past decade and the DNC is forcing her down our throats. Same way Hillary was. History is about to repeat itself. It's good to get her out the paint now before she becomes a wasted contender like Hillary.

Crude Abolitionist

End Slavery
Feb 16, 2017
Anyone who criticizes Democrats must be a Russian bot.

They need to go after all the Russian bots attacking Dem Virginia Governor Northam, too :troll:

Joy Reid is pushing that Russia narrative so hard right now.

If you Black and don't like Kamala just know you not Black anymore you Russian and a Bot...

They dehumanize you by calling you a bot...Then they ban you... Pure evil