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Wrestler : Okada (Strowman and Omega honorable mention)
Match :
- Omega / okada - wk11
- Shibata / goto - wk11
- Styles / cena - rumble
- Big show vs braun strowman - raw 4/17/17
- Okada / omega - dominion
Omega okada II was very very good but theres a lot of hypebeasting on it, considering it was a longer version of a match we've already seen but with no finish.
- DIY vs REVIVAL VS AOP - NXT takeover orlando
- Tyler bate vs pete dunn - takeover chicago
- Tanahashi / Naito - WK11
- Miz / Ambrose- smackdown 1/3
Still need to watch naito/tana from dominion
Moment :
Show: Mania
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