Voice of Reason
The 2015 regulations, which were suspended by HUD Secretary Ben Carson in 2018 (see Memo, 5/21), were the first significant regulations since the Fair Housing Act of 1968 requiring federal agencies, particularly HUD, as well as states, counties, and cities to affirmatively further fair housing if they receive HUD funds. The Fair Housing Act not only banned discrimination, but it also required meaningful actions to undo decades of federal, state, and local discriminatory policies and practices that resulted in segregated communities.
“The Trump administration is basically saying you have to prove your discrimination case when you file it,” said Lisa Rice, president and chief executive of the National Fair Housing Alliance, which has used disparate impact to successfully challenge discriminatory zoning ordinances and insurance policies. “They have elevated the bar so high that it is virtually insurmountable.”

Federal Court Throws Out Trump-Era Anti-Transparency Rule For Mortgage Lenders » NCRC
A federal judge has sided with community groups to restore key mortgage lending transparency requirements after NCRC and others sued the CFPB in 2020.

A federal judge has sided with community groups to restore key mortgage lending transparency requirements, finding that the Trump-era Consumer Financial Protection Bureau acted unlawfully in issuing a 2020 rule exempting many mortgage lenders from reporting obligations designed to help combat redlining and other fair lending and fair housing violations.
Column: $1 fines from consumer agency were common under Trump. That's about to change
The CFPB, the consumer watchdog Trump turned into a business lapdog, is set to get a new director and a renewed focus on student borrowers and lower-income communities.

HUD and DOJ Secure More Than $15 Million Redlining Settlement from OceanFirst Bank to Address Lending Discrimination Allegations
HUD No. 24-239 HUD Public Affairs (202) 708-0685 FOR RELEASE Wednesday September 18, 2024 HUD and DOJ Secure More Than $15 Million Redlining Settlement from OceanFirst Bank to Address Lending Discrimination Allegations WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)...

Biden fined companies tens of millions to hundreds of millions.
TLDR: Trump got rid of every rule that helped combat redlining against Black people. When they did in rare cases enforce the law they only fined companies $1.