Trump Outchea Deporting CACS....Polish Doctor Got Caught Lacking


May 2, 2012

A Polish doctor in Michigan, who fled to the US with his family nearly 40 years ago, faces deportation to his birth country after he was arrested at his home by ICE agents and thrown in jail.

Lukasz Niec, who has a permanent green card, was home with his two daughters Tuesday morning when three Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents showed up, placed him in handcuffs and took him to jail.

The 43-year-old internal medicine physician at Kalamazoo's Bronson Methodist Hospital has spent the past several days at the Calhoun County jail awaiting his fate.
Niec's family told WOOD TV that there's a chance the doctor could be deported to Poland, a country he left with his parents and sister nearly 40 years ago.

Iwona Niec-Villaire said her brother is 'shell-shocked' about being arrested and the possibility he may be deported.

'We did go see him on Wednesday, he was shaking,' she said.

Niec-Villaire, an attorney, told the outlet that her family left Poland in 1979 for a 'better life'. She said her brother was three years old at the time and this is the only home he's ever known.

'He cannot (go) back to Poland, a country he doesn't know, he has no family at, both our parents passed away in the United States, he doesn't know anyone, he wouldn't know where to go,' she said. 'He doesn't even speak Polish.' :hhh:

The family said they have not been told why Niec was arrested, but they believe it stems from a misdemeanor arrest when he was 17.

According to WOOD TV, Niec has two misdemeanor convictions for destruction of property less than $100 and receiving and concealing stolen goods.

He pleaded guilty to the charges under the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act, which allows young first time offenders to avoid a criminal record if they never offend again.

The family said Niec was unaware when he accepted the plea agreement that ICE does not honor it.

'Now, they're using this expunged case that's stamped non-public record against him,' Niec-Villaire told WWMT.

Niec could get a bond hearing in February but his family thinks a judge will deny bond because of the misdemeanors. If it is denied, Niec will remain in jail until it's decided whether he can return home or be deported.

'Until this gets heard, which could be up to six months, he could be stuck in a prison cell and not helping and being with his family,' Niec-Villaire told WWMT.

His wife, Rachelle Burkart-Niec, added: 'He's an excellent physician, he's loving, he's caring, he's an honorable husband and he's always helping others.' The couple has two children.

Niec's colleagues at Bronson are outraged at the situation and are hoping he will not be separated from his family.

'He's exactly the kind of person our immigration policies should be encouraging to prosper here, he's been here for 40 years, this is a ridiculous situation,' Dr. Michael Raphelson said.

Marc Asch, an immigration attorney in Kalamazoo, told WWMT in the last year ICE has been going after cases it wouldn't have made a priority in the past.

'These days there's less discretion being exercised in who they go after, they're being more aggressive, generally speaking,' he said.

Doctor who fled Poland for 'better life' faces deportation | Daily Mail Online

:mjgrin::mjgrin: It would've been funny if his wife voted for Trump:dame:
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Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
"He most recently came under agency scrutiny as a result of 18 encounters with local law enforcement. He will remain in ICE custody pending the outcome of removal proceedings.
In 2013, he was charged with domestic violence but was found not guilty by a Kalamazoo County District Court jury, according to court records obtained by CNN. Details of that case were not immediately available.

Niec was convicted of driving while intoxicated in 2008, records say. He completed his probation, paid a fine and the conviction was set aside, the records show.

He also was charged with 20 other minor traffic offenses, such as speeding or failure to change the address on his license, from 1997 to 2016, court records show."


get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.

Europeans comprise about 440,000 of the estimated 11 million people living illegally in the United States, according to the Migration Policy Institute.

Since just before Trump was elected last November, the U.S. has deported 167,350 foreigners, compared with 240,255 in all of fiscal year 2016. Immigrants from Latin America make up the most by far, with Mexico leading the way at about 93,000.

Among Europeans, Romanians make up the largest share, with 193 deportations so far in fiscal year 2017. Behind are Spain at 117; the United Kingdom at 102; Russia at 81; and Poland at 74. Those countries were also tops last fiscal year; Romania had 176, United Kingdom 160, Poland 160, Spain 115 and Russia 94.
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Hawaiian Punch

Apr 30, 2012
The I in Team
This dude is not some special case. He was a fukk up. Keep in mind these are not big infractions if you are a citizen (disclaimer: white citizen, because being black in any of these scenarios could get you shot), but he is not a citizen. :manny:

ICE: Doctor arrested after 40 years in the US had ’18 encounters’ with police

Niec was recently put on the agency’s radar after “18 encounters with local law enforcement,” the release said. Authorities didn’t release any information about the encounters.

NBC4 sister station WOOD-TV found files dating back to 1997 in 8th District Court. There are 22 cases files for 18 incidents. Of the 22 cases, 21 cases involve driving infractions, which include speeding, no proof of insurance and impaired driving.

The only non-driving case is a 2013 domestic violence charge which he was found not guilty by a jury in August 2013.

Full list of the 18 interactions:

  • Jan. 3, 1997: No proof of insurance
  • June 9, 2004: Speeding 1-10 mph over
  • July 29, 2004: Failure to change address on license
  • April 3, 2005: No proof of insurance
  • June 26, 2005: Failure to stop within assured clear distance accident
  • July 1, 2008: Speeding: 16-plus mph over
  • Dec. 24, 2008: Operating while impaired by liquor and careless driving
  • Sept. 11, 2009: No proof of insurance and seat belt violation
  • July 11, 2010: Drove without due care and caution accident
  • May 5, 2012: Parked within 15 feet of a hydrant
  • Aug. 4, 2012: Speeding 11-15 mph over
  • Feb. 11, 2013: Speeding 1-10 mph over
  • May 7, 2013: Speeding 1-10 mph over
  • Aug. 19, 2013: Domestic violence (found not guilty by jury)
  • Oct. 16, 2013: No proof of insurance
  • April 20, 2014: No proof of insurance and speeding 1-10 mph over
  • June 13, 2014: Speeding 1-10 mph over
  • Jan. 4, 2016: No proof of insurance