He’s been running in place until The Rock is back.
Thats my problem with them always trying to save/wait for Mania to do anything. Just saw it almost completely fucck them over this year.
I think if Rock vs Roman want to prove how big of a draw they are/the match is then book that shyt like how boxing PPVs are done.
Wrestlemania is ALWAYS gonna draw/sellout off name alone.
We would have missed out on the GOAT Wrestlemania main event (17) if they booked like this back then. Let's look back at everything that took place from Austin's return to Mania.
Returned in September
Fought Rikishi in October
Fought HHH in November
Won the rumble in January
Lost to HHH in February
Wrestlemania main event against the Rock
As far as the Rock in that same time frame:
Defended the title against [REDACTED], Taker, and Kane in September
Lost the title to Kurt Angle in October
Fought Rikishi in November
Lost the rumble in January and was taken out for most of the match by Big Show (including this part to make the point that this didn't automatically turn into a yearlong feud)
Won the title back from Angle in February
Wrestlemania main event against Austin
Half of this probably wouldn't have happened today. Hell, Triple H would probably still be on an uninterrupted run from when he won it in 1999 and would be going in to Mania as champ, and Rock would probably still be feuding with Big Show stemming from the 2000 rumble. Rikishi probably would have never turned heel because it probably would have been revealed as HHH from jump (which admittedly would have made more sense). Kurt Angle wouldn't have gotten his run. The six-man HIAC would have never happened because the respective feuds wouldn't have intermingled that closely. The only thing that would probably still happen is Austin winning the Rumble and main eventing Mania.