Transformers: Paramount Has 14 Sequel Ideas; Michael Bay Would Return


Born To Mack
Nov 5, 2013

Transformers director Michael Bay reveals Paramount has 14 sequel ideas, one of which he may return to helm. After a successful launch of the Transformers brand on the big screen, the movies that have come since have been polarizing to say the least. Even though the critical reception has dropped, the box office results have continued to climb and saw the last two films each top $1 billion worldwide. Now the studio is only a few months away from the release of Transformers: The Last Knight, which is set to be a new entry point for viewers as it also expands the mythology to bring Nazis and King Arthur into the history of the Transformers.

This is merely the beginning for what Paramount has planned and has assembled a writers room for this universe in order to build out the stories for Bumblebee, but also Transformers 6 and 7. These were not expected to be the end of the franchise assuming the box office results hold steady, but it turns out Paramount has many more ideas in the works, and one that Michael Bay is personally interested in directing.

MTV spoke to Michael Bay at CinemaCon and asked about the future of the franchise beyond his fifth directorial effort. Even though he previously said (again) this will be his last film in the franchise, he says one of the several ideas they have developed has piqued his interest.

There are 14 stories written and there’s good stuff. I would like to do one of them though… A Transformers spinoff.
Since Bay has said two times before that the Transformers film he was currently working on would be his last, it is no surprise that he may once again go back on his word. Some of this interest to stay aboard may be due to him currently being in the middle of The Last Knight‘s post-production process he admitted, the possibility for him to move on to a smaller film like a spinoff could be enticing for all parties involved.

However, the reveal that Paramount already has 14 ideas floating around for the future of this universe is surprising. This clearly shows that they have no intention to stop making Transformers movies anytime soon, especially as they are set to usher in spinoffs next year with Bumblebee getting his own film directed by Travis Knight. These future 14 movies theoretically would allow the franchise to expand further, bringing in more characters and maybe even exploring places beyond Earth. If Paramount embraces the literal universe at their disposal, maybe Transformers can regain favor with audiences once again.

Transformers: Paramount Has 14 Sequel Ideas; Michael Bay Would Return