Zhang Yimou, the acclaimed filmmaker of Hero, The Great Wall and Shadow, is putting final touches on Sharpshooter (aka The Coldest Gun), a historical biopic that revolves around a 22 year-old Chinese sniper named Zhang Taofang, who killed 214 U.S. soldiers in a month (without a scope!) during the Korean War.
The upcoming film stars Zhang Yi (Operation Red Sea), Liu Haocun (A Little Red Flower) and Zhang Yu (Manchurian Tiger).
“With historical facts, the film is going to make audiences once again realize that although the U.S. is strong, it is not unbeatable,” movie critic and film producer Tan Fei told the Global Times, saying the film will undoubtedly stimulate Chinese people’s patriotic sentiments.
Sharpshooter releases later this year. Until then, we leave you with the film’s First Trailer