For those with kids or those who plan to have kids, how important is it for your children to go to college considering the way the job market is? Would you still encourage them to go to traditional college or would you tell them to learn a vocational skill, trade, or get a technical certification so that they can compete in the job market?
I would hope they go through college, but not just go through, but to succeed at college.
1. Don't major in something super stupid like Hotel Management or Mass Communications. I said super stupid, not just stupid. It's like you can major in Accounting and then if you still want to go into the hotel management business, the accounting major can get you in. If you don't, the accounting background is good for other jobs. If you get a degree in hotel management, you can't necessarily get a job in accounting. Mass Communication pretty much says it all. We, the universtiy, are going to teach you how you communicate to the masses, but you'll pay us the same as someone getting a degree in engineering.
2. Be successful in high school, academics, sports, fine arts, so you can get a scholarship. These students with a full-ride scholarship got it made.
3. Vocational school is okay. Your pay is good from the get go while the college student is still in school. But, a person with a college degree can get a career whose salary will, later on, surpass the vocational degree dude by tens of thousands of dollars. It depends. I want my children to be happy at what they are doing.