Finally someone speaking on the issue with some type of sense.
Who is TotalBiscuit Meach - no googling.
I have no clue. I just watched this video and I agree with what he said. Why does it matter?
Because maybe just maybe the person in question has a history of being a massive contrary and bitter dikkhead to many many people in e-sports and the gaming industry.
As an aside, will the X-Box One have the kind of 50% plus deals Steam has on a weekly basis?
Of course not - his comparison is spurious. DRM on the PC through Steam leads to great value and thus a worthwhile trade-off, with MS? Absolutely no chance.
This is the problem with Sony fanboys. You're too concerned with picking sides and personal attacks, to see things for what they really are. This dudes history has absolutely nothing to do with what he said in the video.
You are right, the character of a person and his public history has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you should trust his opinion.
notice how no one mentioned Xbox but you?
This isn't an issue about Microsoft or the Xbox. It is a conversation about the industry as a whole.
It's not about trusting his opinion. It's about forming your own. Whether an agenda is present or not, does not change the validity of the argument.
What's your opinion? Do you disagree with him? Why?
I already explained why the center-piece of his argument - DRM on Steam - cannot be used to justify DRM in general because Steam has a different - and far mre just - business model than the likes of Sony/MS. Why make me repeat myself?