Drake must have not been in contact with Top5 or his team ever since he got locked up after being on the run. That's fukked up tbh. Of course, Top5 is going to grab this opportunity to speak out as leverage. If Drake had given him a bigger shine then he wouldn't even have to be in a position to be gangbanging in the street. A photo every year and a shoutout isn't enough.
On one hand Drake has put on a lot of rappers and singers locally by posting them on social media, taking pics with them, doing remixes to their songs or shouting them out. A lot of rappers put people on, something Meek Mill has never done which is why most of Philly hip hop hates him. On the other hand, why not just take that extra step and sign some of these dudes. If you're going to rap gangsta then why not have some gangsta rappers and/or street R&B singers on the OVO roster?
Now we just wait and see if any other Toronto rapper that Drake is linked with from gang hoods like Driftwood and Regent Park or the other rappers speak out. Losing Top5 and GGG is a very bad look.
Top5 was on the phone-call with Bundog, older brother of Pressa, goin in on Drake.
Bundog is from Driftwood, and Top5 is from Lawrence Heights.