Most of the world knows this. This is only news to Americans who are fed propaganda disguised as news.
Think about the fact that they rarely if EVER have a Palestinian talking about what Israel is doing on the major news networks. Think about the fact that they don't report on the events AIPAC has and who gets invited.
Jews don't control the media, the Israel lobby controls AMERICAN media. A foreign country is telling our reporters how they are allowed to report on them. The rest of the world doesn't gain anything supporting a brutal colonialist state because they've all had a taste of that via the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese or Americans. It's not a "complicated" issue for them. There's a plan for a 2 state solution that was supposed to be implemented.
The only way this violence stops is if the Palestinians get their territory and a government that they choose to serve their interests. Israel has zero interest in living peacefully with its neighbors and it uses America as it's personal attack dog. They had been trying to get us to go to war with Iraq for years until eventually they convinced Bush Jr. Now they'll convince that moron Trump to go to war with Iran which could result in a trade embargo from China who buys Iranian oil and yet another war for America to take an L in. We've been on a losing streak since the 1950s.