Top 10 best selling games of the last decade according to $

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012


NPD: Modern Warfare is the best selling game of 2019, Call of Duty best selling game of decade | Charlie INTEL




May 6, 2012



Idk why you're looking at this as some sort of bullet point to make against wanting exclusive games catered towards one specific hardware.

If you noticed like I said before, it's always the same games selling the most and that list literally is proof of that. Call of duty is there seven times and the only other title is GTA V, RDR2 and Minecraft. This doesn't diminish exclusives but more so reinforces the fact that GTA and COD especially are behemoths in the gaming market. Taking a quick look on Google, Black Ops 1 sold 26 million units and each other COD sold around the same. That would suggest that barring some catastrophic failure, COD is a cash cow that will sell a lot each year.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Idk why you're looking at this as some sort of bullet point to make against wanting exclusive games catered towards one specific hardware.

If you noticed like I said before, it's always the same games selling the most and that list literally is proof of that. Call of duty is there seven times and the only other title is GTA V, RDR2 and Minecraft. This doesn't diminish exclusives but more so reinforces the fact that GTA and COD especially are behemoths in the gaming market. Taking a quick look on Google, Black Ops 1 sold 26 million units and each other COD sold around the same. That would suggest that barring some catastrophic failure, COD is a cash cow that will sell a lot each year.
Nah nah

The narrative is that exclusives are what sells systems. Which truthfully isn't really the case, multiplayer games are what sell systems, and having your game on multiplatforms. Part of the reason those games sell like they do is because friends get 2-4 other friends to buy COD or GTA to play with them on whatever system they are playing on. And for those COD games they usually try to pick the system that runs it the best. So there's the PC fanbase, then console fanbase and then the casual fan base that wants to just play with friends. Alot of time you have those guys buying the game 2-3 times and with GTA in particular the online people buy the game over and over to get "points" that would actually cost more to get separately.

Brands are huge and important. But exclusives while they might move systems (which isn't what the company makes much money off of anyway really) They don't do much else outside of being talking points online. People who bought a ps4 to play GOW and barely if ever turn it on after that don't make much money for sony, its not like those guys are going to be going out and buying toys or merch afterwards.

Nintendo fans on the other hand probably will be buying amibo merch and then some.....when it comes to thee exclusives.

microsoft is looking to lock you in to a monthly subscription which requires a live account on top of that.

Mario and friends are proven timeless at this point
Microsoft is looking towards building a lasting future in gaming with the cloud and gamepass
Sony needs something besides what they have, GOW/Uncharted/TLOU will soon be in metal gear, gears of war, and halo territory of being old and just needing one meh experience to lose favor among fans.

Gears 5 is amazing but are super lukewarm on it even with the great reviews and multiplayer love it gets.


May 6, 2012
Nah nah

The narrative is that exclusives are what sells systems. Which truthfully isn't really the case, multiplayer games are what sell systems, and having your game on multiplatforms. Part of the reason those games sell like they do is because friends get 2-4 other friends to buy COD or GTA to play with them on whatever system they are playing on. And for those COD games they usually try to pick the system that runs it the best. So there's the PC fanbase, then console fanbase and then the casual fan base that wants to just play with friends. Alot of time you have those guys buying the game 2-3 times and with GTA in particular the online people buy the game over and over to get "points" that would actually cost more to get separately.

Brands are huge and important. But exclusives while they might move systems (which isn't what the company makes much money off of anyway really) They don't do much else outside of being talking points online. People who bought a ps4 to play GOW and barely if ever turn it on after that don't make much money for sony, its not like those guys are going to be going out and buying toys or merch afterwards.

Nintendo fans on the other hand probably will be buying amibo merch and then some.....when it comes to thee exclusives.

microsoft is looking to lock you in to a monthly subscription which requires a live account on top of that.

Mario and friends are proven timeless at this point
Microsoft is looking towards building a lasting future in gaming with the cloud and gamepass
Sony needs something besides what they have, GOW/Uncharted/TLOU will soon be in metal gear, gears of war, and halo territory of being old and just needing one meh experience to lose favor among fans.

Gears 5 is amazing but are super lukewarm on it even with the great reviews and multiplayer love it gets.
The narrative was never exclusives ONLY selling consoles. That's a strawman y'all keep creating.

What about people who buy a PS4 and only buy NBA 2k or COD every year? They'd by this point make Sony even less money since there's even less money to be made by third party games.

Every gen Sony drops new IP's so I'm not sure why you mentioned GOW/UC/TLOU especially TLOU. TLOU is literally one game. The second one is coming out in a few months with the last one that came out 7 years ago. The best thing they did was changing the God of War template and shaking up the game. As long as things are stirred it's always fresh.

Every source of getting someone onto PSN counts. Whether that be by alluring exclusives, multiplats etc it's all there.
Someone who buys PSVR for example is now on PSN and may likely buy a few games for PSVR.
Another person buys a PS4 for Fifa and COD or Fortnite.
Another buys a PS4 for GTA.
Some for UC.

A lot of these players overlap. I'd assume most people who own UC4 or God of War probably own a COD title and very likely COD. Whether they came in through Uncharted or Destiny they're on PSN and may buy more games. Exclusives help create a brand image and separate it from the other since so many other things overlap. Their demographic creates a diverse array of sales whether that be DLC, PSN Plus, software etc it matters and separating their brand from the others by using popular IPs matters even if that IP isn't the SOLE reason they bought it. You're going to tell me Spider-Man, God of War and TLOU 2 aren't system sellers? They are huge. The only reason we see COD dominating is because COD releases across three platforms. Think about it.


Look at that. That's across most of the time three platforms.

There's some exclusives that sold that same amount on ONE platform. Imagine if God of War or Spider-Man was on PC/Xb1 as well?
Spidey sold 13m by August 2019 on PS4 alone. If it was on PC and Xb1? It'd be just as high as any COD title.

UC4 sold 16 million units.

TLOU sold over 20 million units on PS3/PS4 which is up there with a few of these COD games.

The top 10 best selling exclusives for PS4 was only counting the US.

That basically proves certain exclusives are just as big as some of these other IPs it's just that the sales are comparing three platform sales to one. It also proves that it's not just multiplayer games sell a lot. This dangerous thinking is what would make some devs omit SP from games or outright stop making them chasing COD or whatever new BR game is popping.

Spider-Man, TLOU, God of War, UC4 etc are HUGE. They've sold pretty much on par with COD or RDR on a single platform meanwhile those games sales are from 2~4 platforms but usually 3

I feel like the reason you're down playing exclusives is because PS4 fans have been talking up exclusives meanwhile Xbox always had way less so therefore you guys have tried to discredit PS4 exclusives or exclusives in general since the scale wasn't tipping in MSFT's favor :yeshrug:

Edit: Gears 5 is barely innovative and feels like a relaunch of Gears 4. The game was fine but it's really nothing new and the story ended abruptly. Don't use Gears 5's shortcoming to paint all exclusives the same. The numbers clearly disagree with the point you're trying to make. You cannot refute this.
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May 1, 2012
we included games from the previous gen with substantially larger userbases now?

Already showed what the top 10 games THIS GEN were and we know who actually had exclusives in them. :mjlol: