
Jun 12, 2014
All race shyt on their own, everyone shyts on each other. It’s not one race’s issue when the world continuously shyts on each other.

I already know you were addressing me and couldn’t even quote me. The only thing people should be concerned about is how they’re treated by the next person they meet regardless of the color of their skin.

And I’m not the type of “cac” that you have hatred toward, so save your energy for the real white devil. :russell:
Hit dogs hollerin. The twitter thread is full of whom I'm discussing as well. Nobody is afraid of you Mexicac but since you wanted to speak up and echo those same sentiments you're apart of the issue as well. Again one of the most cac things a cac can do is tell an offended race what they should be offended by. This ain't about other races. It's about black people in an alleged black space. That's why it's of none of your concern. Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant.


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
Hit dogs hollerin. The twitter thread is full of whom I'm discussing as well. Nobody is afraid of you Mexicac but since you wanted to speak up and echo those same sentiments you're apart of the issue as well. Again one of the most cac things a cac can do is tell an offended race what they should be offended by. This ain't about other races. It's about black people in an alleged black space. That's why it's of none of your concern. Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant.

Fear me? I don’t know why you would even say something like that. :mjlol:

And you wanna make up shyt to say how I think others should think or be offended by. Man, what? Everyone has their own mind to make up things. Im just saying there’s bigger things to focus on in your own backyard than what a stranger says/does. I even said it was a bad look for dude to say some shyt like that.

You wanna talk about how it’s an issue within your own community when, like I said, races shyt on others within their own race as well. Legit Mexicans hate American Mexicans because they’re American. How is that not the equivalent as what Swerve said about shytting on a black woman? :what:

Edit: and quit acting like you weren’t trying to throw an indirect response at me. This isn’t the first time you did it. Trying to bring up Twitter to deflect me calling you out when no one mentioned twitter’s take in the first place. :skip:
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Jun 12, 2014
Fear me? I don’t know why you would even say something like that. :mjlol:

And you wanna make up shyt to say how I think others should think or be offended by. Man, what? Everyone has their own mind to make up things. Im just saying there’s bigger things to focus on in your own backyard than what a stranger says/does. I even said it was a bad look for dude to say some shyt like that.

You wanna talk about how it’s an issue within your own community when, like I said, races shyt on others within their own race as well. Legit Mexicans hate American Mexicans because they’re American. How is that not the equivalent as what Swerve said about shytting on a black woman? :what:

Edit: and quit acting like you weren’t trying to throw an indirect response at me. This isn’t the first time you did it. Trying to bring up Twitter to deflect me calling you out when no one mentioned twitter’s take in the first place. :skip:
Creh, you're proving my point. And I'm not about to go back and forth with you about it. Your opinion on this is irrelevant as I've stated. by bringing up what other races do in comparison to a black issue on a black forum is trying to downplay the issue at hand. You literally said it's what everybody does. Who gives a fukk about those other groups. This ain't about them. Cacs always try to shoe horn their perspective into our spaces when nobody shares our experience but us. But you've shown your lack of understanding that simple concept here before which why is it's no need to address you directly outside of other cacs. You did exactly what the cacs in the X thread are doing. And yes people were talking about the thread in this thread but all you are concerned with is getting your goofy takes off about something that you clearly don't get. I'm not acting like anything. I'm telling you directly you have no weight in this and what you think don't matter. It's not about you.

Flex Luger

Job Is Finished
Jan 23, 2017
Somebody needs to have the courage to tell Swerve that he’s trash on the mic man….I could barely make out what he was saying in that clip… :dead:

Then I seen what he said and yeah…not a good look for him at all. There’s just been too much evidence of Swerve being :mjpls:.

That’s how you can tell he ain’t got no real friends when he in the studio :heh:


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
Creh, you're proving my point. And I'm not about to go back and forth with you about it. Your opinion on this is irrelevant as I've stated. by bringing up what other races do in comparison to a black issue on a black forum is trying to downplay the issue at hand. You literally said it's what everybody does. Who gives a fukk about those other groups. This ain't about them. Cacs always try to shoe horn their perspective into our spaces when nobody shares our experience but us. But you've shown your lack of understanding that simple concept here before which why is it's no need to address you directly outside of other cacs. You did exactly what the cacs in the X thread are doing. And yes people were talking about the thread in this thread but all you are concerned with is getting your goofy takes off about something that you clearly don't get. I'm not acting like anything. I'm telling you directly you have no weight in this and what you think don't matter. It's not about you.
Like talking to a brick wall with you. You keep bringing up how it’s only a “problem within your own community” when I’ve been saying it’s the same for every race. People are gonna shyt on the next person, whether it’s within their own race or another. How is that hard to understand? :dwillhuh:

Now I have no right to talk about the struggles the black community had/has to endure, but people talking shyt/down on someone isn’t something one group of people can claim a hold on.


Indiana's Finest
May 3, 2012
Fear me? I don’t know why you would even say something like that. :mjlol:

And you wanna make up shyt to say how I think others should think or be offended by. Man, what? Everyone has their own mind to make up things. Im just saying there’s bigger things to focus on in your own backyard than what a stranger says/does. I even said it was a bad look for dude to say some shyt like that.

You wanna talk about how it’s an issue within your own community when, like I said, races shyt on others within their own race as well. Legit Mexicans hate American Mexicans because they’re American. How is that not the equivalent as what Swerve said about shytting on a black woman? :what:

Edit: and quit acting like you weren’t trying to throw an indirect response at me. This isn’t the first time you did it. Trying to bring up Twitter to deflect me calling you out when no one mentioned twitter’s take in the first place. :skip:

Nah, you have to understand our position tho, especially as someone that isn’t black… it’s like this

Swerve is that guy as far as black wrestlers. In this current climate, he probably has the highest chance of being a leading man as black talent. As much as we love dudes like Melo and Tez, we all know and understand they’re facing a crazy uphill battle as far as being leading men because of where they work and just the sheer amount of talent in front of them

But with Swerve.. he’s there. Dude is a blink away from being the face of the company he’s in, and he had an incredible 2023… so it’s super disappointing to find out that the ONE black wrestler we have with a high chance of being the guy, is moving on some funny style token black shyt..

Is there more pressing issues and more important racial shyt in wrestling and the world itself to worry about? Of course. But it’s still very disappointing to see gang doing sucker shyt like this mixed with the T-shirt thing him and his shorty was doing…

And we’re on a mainly black wrestling sub forum on a hip hop site so of course we gon address it. Even if you a fan, you gotta sit this one out. It’s black folks business
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May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
Nah, you have to understand our position tho, especially as someone that isn’t black… it’s like this

Swerve is that guy as far as black wrestlers. In this current climate, he probably has the highest chance of being a leading man as black talent. As much as we love dudes like Melo and Tez, we all know and understand they’re facing a crazy uphill battle as far as being a leading man because of where they work and just the sheer amount of talent in front of them

But with Swerve.. he’s there. Dude is a blink away from being the face of the company he’s in, and he had an incredible 2023… so it’s super disappointing to find out that the ONE black wrestler we have with a high chance of being the guy, is moving on some funny style token black shyt..

Is there more pressing issues and more important racial shyt in wrestling and the world itself to worry about? Of course. But it’s still very disappointing to see gang doing sucker shyt like this mixed with the T-shirt thing him and his shorty was doing…

And we’re on a mainly black wrestling sub forum on a hip hop site so of course we gon address it
When you put it this way, I see it. It’s about a proper role model type of man. That wasnt discussed in the Convo I was having.

Youre a good dude, Larry. Thanks for not trying to come at me negatively with voicing your opinion. :salute:

The Intergalactic Koala

Reporting for Duty
Jan 2, 2017
Koalabama and the Cosmos
Like talking to a brick wall with you. You keep bringing up how it’s only a “problem within your own community” when I’ve been saying it’s the same for every race. People are gonna shyt on the next person, whether it’s within their own race or another. How is that hard to understand? :dwillhuh:


There's a difference between getting "shytted on", versus experiencing:

  • Being called the "n" word not once but twice
  • Seeing your wife get treated like shyt because she was in pain in the hospital, while going through labor
  • Being a part of the night crew (IYKYK)
  • Having a white person turn their nose up at you because you were trying to help them, only for the exact same person to go to the white co worker
  • Your own wife getting fired because she did not want to be the "good one"
  • Your own son getting treated like the "good one"
  • Experiencing the "good one" treatment at a young age
  • Having folks judge my family and I when we were homeless, instead of realizing that shyt happens and we all fall on bad times
And countless other moments that would fill up this entire thread. Yes, we as people experience pain and judgement, but breh...they are literally changing laws and fukking up the entire world just to stop a black person from progressing. I say this as a black man, damn the gimmick.

This issue involving Swerve striking nerves because black women in general forever getting shytted on, and we are in a time when the shyt is blatant (as folks can see in the wrestling industry).

So respecially, I can't agree with this statement. Swerve is a fukking idiot, and the fact that heads are dying on hills for a black male to be giddy about a corny ass rap bar for black women that always ends up the butt-end of the joke on all forms of humanity, is just odd as all hell.

Another thing, "c00n" being used around these parts kinda weirding me the fukk out because this side of the train tracks is cac haven with a twang of blackness (which most heads moved onto "real sports").

Anywho, it's fukking Christmas brehs...put the nonsense to the side until Tuesday atleast :francis:

Organic Trees

Go Cavs! #LetEmKnow
Jan 1, 2015
Cleveland born & raised
The cold part is he was probably just trying to find something to rhyme with black republic and landed on that

:russ: Cuh thought he was gassin

Problem is.. any savvy black person that’s regularly around our people would know calling a female “black and ugly” and emphasizing her race on top of the ugly part would be a problem. Like come on fam..

I ain’t gon put the c00n jacket on him because that’s heavy and a lil nasty.. but shyt like that, mixed with the way he dress (anime sweat suits and shyt) and certain things he’s done let’s me know homie around a lot of them folks and ain’t nothing like who he plays on tv. We need to get that brother around some nikkas. DJ Whoo Kid need to take him to queens village

Lmao I think I told y’all about Moose. Real nice guy but man… it’s shocking how different dude is from what I expected. I remember meeting him and being like wait..

He legit one of the sweater vest and coffee mug, David Otunga nikkas
My dude no offense but you constantly rambling about nothing :russ: