Finn Baller
also TNA lost their national TV deal because Spike found out that Vince Russo was still secretly working for TNA after they told Dixie Carter to get rid of him, that had nothing to do with Bischoff
WCW would have survived if they weren't bleeding so much money. Incoming executives view that as an eyesore. $70M in losses is too much to justify trying to keep it and turn things around. It was too far gone by that point.
TNA is around yes but they do not have a national footprint. TNA got their national footprint without Bischoff and Hogan... They lost it after they tanked creative.
Nobody said you have to debate. You can always ignore.
every bet proposed to you you've ran away like a bytch and then offered up some dumbass deal that doesn't even make any logical sense
still haven't produced any tangible proof you made money off your mediocre ass 49ers either![]()
Lol you could do the same thing, but here we are.
Look I get it, you defending the honor of AEW, as they are underdogs of some sort. I understand, but to trash a promotor that actually took a promotion on the verge of dying, and somehow made them turn a profit times ten within a few months is revolutionary.
- WCW wouldn't have survived because the gates during the 92/93ish time was diminishing
- Bischoff made that promotion stand out and actually went against WWF
- The only reason why WCW was "bleeding money" was because of crazy contracts, mismanagement of funds, and etc (of course that was going to be the loophole for the AOL/Turner merger to happen)
- WCW would have been still in the game if the AOL/Turner situation never happened
- If TNA was thriving, why they needed Hoegan and Bischoff to turn a gate and pop a rating
But go ahead and cut up my posts, to start up drama.
I'm just stating reality no biases at all.
Lol you could do the same thing, but here we are.
Look I get it, you defending the honor of AEW, as they are underdogs of some sort. I understand, but to trash a promotor that actually took a promotion on the verge of dying, and somehow made them turn a profit times ten within a few months is revolutionary.
- WCW wouldn't have survived because the gates during the 92/93ish time was diminishing
- Bischoff made that promotion stand out and actually went against WWF
- The only reason why WCW was "bleeding money" was because of crazy contracts, mismanagement of funds, and etc (of course that was going to be the loophole for the AOL/Turner merger to happen)
- WCW would have been still in the game if the AOL/Turner situation never happened
- If TNA was thriving, why they needed Hoegan and Bischoff to turn a gate and pop a rating
But go ahead and cut up my posts, to start up drama.
I'm just stating reality no biases at all.
has nothing to do with AEW being underdogs and everything to do with defending the flop CEO's new work place and also the fact the (mostly white) AEW fanbase on here are the only ones who tolerate him anymore so he has to try and stay in their good graces, it's why he never once came at Cattle with the same smoke he does for everybody in here and never checked him at all for his race baiting![]()
I'm stating reality too. I gave Bischoff some credit for those things that @Pull Up the Roots already pointed out. We had already discussed that. The problem is... unlike that poster.... y'all refuse to talk about how Bischoff is the reason they were bleeding money like that.
$70M in losses in one year. You said yourself, it was because of the crazy contracts and the mismanagement of funds.. It was also because Bischoff was hot-shotting angles on TV every week and their PPV business was mostly trash after a while because nothing meant anything anymore creatively..
He was doing all that to try to pop a rating and not looking at how it would impact the future. Crazy contracts, mismanaging money, fukking up the creative long term.... that's all on Bischoff...
TNA was already built... the TNA originals put them on the map. They already had the deal with Spike TV etc... When Bischoff and Hogan came in they completely sank the promotion creatively and ended up with worse ratings than the previous regime that was built on young talent.
Those are all facts. You say I'm here to "defend" AEW.... No, I'm here to shyt on the narrative that Bischoff was a genius. He wasn't. He had a couple hot lines and that was that... he ran out of ideas. The people in the IWC waxing poetic about him don't want to admit any of this.
Like I get it breh, I would hate Bischoff too if he spent the entire time talking about what's the issue with AEW. If somebody was shytting on my beloved DDT, I would defend it (for the time), until I actually see all angles of the business aspect.
- If Bischoff wasn't a genius, how the Hoegan heel turn had heads talking to this very day
- If Bischoff wasn't a genius, why Tony Khan following the blueprint of a "better nitro" ala Dynamite (irony of the name)
- If Bischoff wasn't a genius, why promoters are focusing on the crusierweight, fast paced wrestling that was brought to the mainstream (ECW done it, but WCW made it accessible to millions)
Also another thing, people always talk about Bischoff as if he was the fukking business. No man, he was just a exec and a face to the industry. He gave those contracts, but the suits had to approve of the money being up front. Bischoff is not an accountant, middle man, or the bank....he is just a face to the suits. I hate this drivel of Bischoff being a one-man army, when in reality there are more folks in the sinking ship than just the captain.
But look, its just going to be your stance and your end game. You are going to dismantle my post, make me feel like a idiot, go back to the safe side of AEW to paint a narrative that heads are dumb as bricks, while the almighty @Saysumthinfunnymike has the wealth of knowledge.
Its going to be a lot of pat backing and so forths. Arguments ensue, and so forths. But here's where I'm can have the agenda, and so forth.
You the king of the TSC and The Coli. I'm just a poster killing time and waiting for my appointment.
So you got it breh![]()
has nothing to do with AEW being underdogs and everything to do with defending the flop CEO's new work place and also the fact the (mostly white) AEW fanbase on here are the only ones who tolerate him anymore so he has to try and stay in their good graces, it's why he never once came at Cattle with the same smoke he does for everybody in here and never checked him at all for his race baiting![]()
if people are gonna leave the major leagues to go to a lesser company, I would hope it would be for a good reason. Bobby Lashley wasn't getting booked like he deserved by HHH so he left, nothing wrong with that. It was the right decision on his part. Hopefully he'll get booked as a World Champion and PPV headliner in AEW because he's better than 90% of the people who have held that spot in the past (including the current one). Nobody blamed Shelton for leaving either.
I don't care for the passive aggressiveness in the post. I'm having a civil conversation with you and you're still trying to turn it into something it's not. That's the problem with this entire thread. You bring facts, you bring numbers, whatever you wanna bring... if it doesn't fit the "keke" energy then posters will try to move the goalposts or turn it into something more personal... which I have no problem doing if people wanted to go there but I was being civil and you are still spinning it![]()
I don't really care about your opinions on match ratings so I'll move on to this part of it: The only thing that matters is the money and the miles. That's the one thing that Kevin Nash was always right about.
If wrestlers want to leave and go to the "minor leagues" as you call it then let's tell the whole story.... The minor leagues are paying more than the major leagues. You love sports analogies so go show me the guys in the XFL and Canada who are making more than the NFL players...
You can't keke that away... Wrestling less dates for more money and having more free time to do whatever you want is a win for wrestlers no matter how many WWE marks try to make it worse.... it's not lol
Okay breh you got it. You know...
you remind me of children that my wife had to consult. She specializes in managing autism and kids on the spectrum. They would paint this narrative that the other person is in the wrong, and in their own mind that they are the winners.
Hell....I'm dealing with that involving my own son as he is gifted...with a side of autism.
I'm just saying breh...its okay, I know you are in pain and hurting if you feel such things. This is your outlet, and in order for you to feel fulfillment, you gotta engage and fight. Like how my son usually be against authority.
Thank you for being the influence on what I need to do with my own child. As my wife is really truthful about folks that are autistic.
Not a diss by any means breh...just letting you know that you are going to be okay and I pray you find peace in your situation. Autism is hell, because you don't have emotions until it truly affects you. So I'm just going to treat you and your posts, like how I do my son when he drifts off on a spectrum.
"That's nice @Saysumthinfunnymike "