MVP really made a play off the "Triple H is racist" internet talk and got him and his boys paid. salute.

was a video
"wasn't expecting it but it happened"
regardless of the day, hasn't NXT beat them every time they've went head to head for the past few years ??
actually, hasn't NXT been beating them in ratings in general regularly this year ??
Cokeboy's last good idea might have been wanting to turn that bum into a manager.
Triple H and HBK would've fought tooth and nail for their boy to Vince but what's happened to him since going to AEW is wild
at the time I said he was a grind runner and they moaned at me on here for saying it and that he'll be happy at a place with his friends and girl
since then he's lost what worked for him in NXT, does poor re-rocks of it in AEW, injured and let himself go, fans don't care about him and according what I read on here he lost his girl
son really left the big leagues because a decrepit Vince McMahon intimated him and now look at him