It's Your 50th Christmas, Charlie Brown! Movie -
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the beloved PEANUTS animated tale, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Kristen Bell will host a special holiday retrospective, It's Your 50th Christmas, Charlie Brown. The anniversary special will celebrate 50 years of the iconic classic that has brought joy and a television watching tradition at the holidays for generations of fans. The unforgettable night will feature spectacular live performances, from the memorable music of Vince Guaraldi, to Kristen Chenoweth singing "Happiness" from the "Peanuts" Broadway hit, and a performance from Matthew Morrison of an original song, "Just Like Me." Other amazing musical guests set to perform classic songs are Sarah McLachlan, Boyz II Men, Pentatonix, David Benoit and The All-American Boys Chorus. December 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the Emmy-winning special, A Charlie Brown Christmas.
Certified Holiday Classic.
One of the earliest Christmas films I remember watching growing up.