Tom Brady Suspended for 4 Games, Pats lose 1st round pick in 2016 and 4th in 2017 & fined $1Million


Aug 14, 2012
Again, Brady had NO OBLIGATION to give up his phone or share its contents. This is federal law. This is stated in the CBA. Brady refusing to share his phone's contents is NOT an indication of guilt or failure to cooperate. How are you NOT understanding this?

As an NFL EMPLOYEE cooperation is mandatory. Failure to cooperate constitutes conduct detrimental to the league. The NFL has absolute employment power over ALL players. Whatever it requests as part of its investigation, the NFL gets. If the NFL doesn’t get it, a separate basis for discipline arises.

Moreover, the league/Wells already had the text conversations and phone records of McNally and the other guy so if Brady were to text/call any of them, it'd show up on the records that the league already obtained.

But the league asked for his text, emails, etc. because we have two indiviudals mentioning him in the conversation so he was person of interest and if Brady were indeed innocent, why not do everything possible to prove it?

Furthermore, Brady DID cooperate with the league's investigation when he had already met with the investigators (at one point for over 5 hours) and was interrogated before being asked for his phone's contents.

Yeah we know he cooperate by answering questions he was asked like "Can you provide text, emails, etc.?" and by him saying "No." So yeah he did "cooperate" that way.

Because he deflated footballs to the level that Brady preferred. That's not illegal so long as "the deflator" gave the balls to the referees before games.

Deflated them WAAY below the required PSI levels. That Breitbart link says its not illegal. They're wrong. It is against the rules. I'm sure the NFL knows the rules they set in place on PSI measurements.
May 7, 2012
From the Pats Report



Welp, that clears that up. :whew:

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
As an NFL EMPLOYEE cooperation is mandatory. Failure to cooperate constitutes conduct detrimental to the league. The NFL has absolute employment power over ALL players. Whatever it requests as part of its investigation, the NFL gets. If the NFL doesn’t get it, a separate basis for discipline arises.

But the league asked for his text, emails, etc. because we have two indiviudals mentioning him in the conversation so he was person of interest and if Brady were indeed innocent, why not do everything possible to prove it?

Yeah we know he cooperate by answering questions he was asked like "Can you provide text, emails, etc.?" and by him saying "No." So yeah he did "cooperate" that way.

Deflated them WAAY below the required PSI levels. That Breitbart link says its not illegal. They're wrong. It is against the rules. I'm sure the NFL knows the rules they set in place on PSI measurements.

Now you're just being obtuse. I should've stopped responding to your seriously a long time ago.

Just understand that the law is the law. Brady cannot be expected to be complicit in the league breaking the law. The gotdamn CBA says that Brady didn't have to turn over his phone or its contents. You cannot be serious now.

Moreover, you're assuming that the team's footballs were already at or below 12.5 before Brady asked his guys to deflate them. The balls very well could have been at 13.5 or 13 psi BEFORE he asked the guys to deflate them.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
Just seems like a logical observation..
No it isn't. It's a simple observation of the bullshyt of the report that many have seen.

Stop thinking being a fan of a winning team qualifies you to speak on someone's psyche. That's corny as fukk