So I was looking at Toe Jam and Earl recently for reasons
so in the second game it says that humans snuck on the ship of Toe Jam and earl and they have to work to get the humans back into the ship to send them back to earth right...
well if the humans post up shop and think the funkatron inhabitants are animals would they ever realize that the animals are trying to put them in jars
now the only reason i considered this is that in most video games concerning "magic" they love to associate jarred "potions" with various magic
so reverse psychology/demonology/tricknology says that its really a funkotronian ploy
@010101 @Marks and when i look at social media it feels like this is peoples natural way
so in the second game it says that humans snuck on the ship of Toe Jam and earl and they have to work to get the humans back into the ship to send them back to earth right...
well if the humans post up shop and think the funkatron inhabitants are animals would they ever realize that the animals are trying to put them in jars

Why would GOD design a 10 year old to be able to get Pregnant??
Breh sadly they won’t listen 2 Peter 3:3 Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires. 2 Timothy 4. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap...

so reverse psychology/demonology/tricknology says that its really a funkotronian ploy

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