Reddit has the biggest online community so far.
They had a matchmaking update that dramatically increased wait times for many and was forced to reverse it, but idk if that reverse did much. I mainly see PC gamers complaining about slow matchmaking now. I only run into troubles on 360 between 3am-6am, but its not often I'm on that late and I never tried switching data centers. Can't imagine it worse than that on XBO.
YouTube uploads of exclusives on "general" channels were never hits. Neglecting half your viewer base ain't wavy and invites inflammatory stan shyt. So using that as a litmus doesn't make sense. The same big channels ignoring Titanfall never touched Gears, The Last of Us or Uncharted 2/3. You have to search for a channel dedicated to an exclusive. Lucky for me the channel that taught me Gears has a hardon for Titanfall and blessing me with competitive footage
but the channels I subbed to cuz of COD (many of the big ones) want nothing to do it, just like most non-COD games.