Time is ticking, well all be dead soon, follow ur passion, stop being a bytch


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
If you're still not trying to follow your dreams or gave up...then shot yourself in the fukking face man because whats the point of living if u cant living free? You gotta be a real bytch if u accept a life of the status quo. Man fukk that. Whats the point of living if u just go to work and come home everyday? u don't want to travel the globe? that's insane to me.

Alotta mothafukkas talk about be "real" but they're not because I'm real. Being real involves taking risk, taking L's, enduring pain. Alotta people are afraid of starting, afraid of trying like fakkits. BTW if you're afraid to atleast try, you're a fakkit man...that goes for women too. Women that's afraid to follow their dreams are fakkits also.

In order to be real, u have to go through adversity and take many loses. Loses are an important character building tool. I love taking L's, I eat them, shyt them out and ask for more? why? its because they make u stronger like sayians. Everytime a sayian battle they become stronger. Same with taking L's. Never avoid losing.

Were all going to be dead in a few decades. Better move fast now. The clock is ticking. Gotta live your life the way that u want or u gonna end up like these fat 40 year old nikkas. You gonna be at some dead end job, bald, fat , balls smelling like musty armpits....and asking yourself "damn how did I get here?" Most ppl don't wake up until its too late.

Losing is a state a mind. If ur you're a "loser" who's the winner? think about it...what? some nikka in a fukking gucci belt? What that motherfukker suppose to be better then me because he got brand names? sheit...my brain is worth more than a million cars and belts. I could be in a paper bag and be a more valuable asset to humanity than a motherfukker pushing lambo.

We need to pursue our passion. Because when u pursue your passion ...its beyond superficial shyt like money and sex. U create things out of love and it will add to humanity .

Stop being a p*ssy and pursue your passion. fukk school drop out if u have to. fukk your job, quit if u have to. fukk your marriage, divorce if your not happy and pursue your passion man. Life is too short to overthink things. sometimes u just had to make a move fast and live with the consequences

Thats all life is, its a series of gambles and whatever happens, simply happens. U cant control your fate. When its your time to go, you're going to go. Man keeps trying to out think the uncontrollable
May 2, 2013
My Set
If you're still not trying to follow your dreams or gave up...then shot yourself in the fukking face man because whats the point of living if u cant living free? You gotta be a real bytch if u accept a life of the status quo. Man fukk that. Whats the point of living if u just go to work and come home everyday? u don't want to travel the globe? that's insane to me.

Alotta mothafukkas talk about be "real" but they're not because I'm real. Being real involves taking risk, taking L's, enduring pain. Alotta people are afraid of starting, afraid of trying like fakkits. BTW if you're afraid to atleast try, you're a fakkit man...that goes for women too. Women that's afraid to follow their dreams are fakkits also.

In order to be real, u have to go through adversity and take many loses. Loses are an important character building tool. I love taking L's, I eat them, shyt them out and ask for more? why? its because they make u stronger like sayians. Everytime a sayian battle they become stronger. Same with taking L's. Never avoid losing.

Were all going to be dead in a few decades. Better move fast now. The clock is ticking. Gotta live your life the way that u want or u gonna end up like these fat 40 year old nikkas. You gonna be at some dead end job, bald, fat , balls smelling like musty armpits....and asking yourself "damn how did I get here?" Most ppl don't wake up until its too late.

Losing is a state a mind. If ur you're a "loser" who's the winner? think about it...what? some nikka in a fukking gucci belt? What that motherfukker suppose to be better then me because he got brand names? sheit...my brain is worth more than a million cars and belts. I could be in a paper bag and be a more valuable asset to humanity than a motherfukker pushing lambo.

We need to pursue our passion. Because when u pursue your passion ...its beyond superficial shyt like money and sex. U create things out of love and it will add to humanity .

Stop being a p*ssy and pursue your passion. fukk school drop out if u have to. fukk your job, quit if u have to. fukk your marriage, divorce if your not happy and pursue your passion man. Life is too short to overthink things. sometimes u just had to make a move fast and live with the consequences

Thats all life is, its a series of gambles and whatever happens, simply happens. U cant control your fate. When its your time to go, you're going to go. Man keeps trying to out think the uncontrollable

I totally agree with you Meek Mill


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
I've been procrastinating like crazy, need to get off my ass but Porn is only a tab away :wow:
yeah man u have a problem...im not saying that to insult u, but that avy is a sign u watch too much porn. porn is bad for your mental health. Turns u into a beast. i quit watching and been focused more and I can walk proud knowing I dont have that guilt on me for jacking of to a chick tied up with a gag in her mouth


Nov 18, 2016
yeah man u have a problem...im not saying that to insult u, but that avy is a sign u watch too much porn. porn is bad for your mental health. Turns u into a beast. i quit watching and been focused more and I can walk proud knowing I dont have that guilt on me for jacking of to a chick tied up with a gag in her mouth
It was a joke breh, anyways, wise words.
Jun 21, 2012
Real talk op. But true success is measured in happiness, remember that. Some people truly are content with working a 9-5 and enjoying all the luxuries that comes with being an American in 2017. Life is so good nowadays(minus trump) that ppl don't really dare to try for more.


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
You can still pursue your passion while you're in school, while you have a job, even while you're married. Living life without at least a little bit of a plan is dumb.
NOPE!!! fukk plan....time is ticking, u just try shyt...fail...and try again until something work....

...thats a lie...if u really want to follow a dream u gotta be sick in the head...u gotta really do it forreal....willing to totally do whatever....u cant be passive

U can still do all those things, but be aware youre going to have to walk out if need be...like the movie heat...u gotta be totally unattached and willing to walk out from anything at anytime

dreams are only reserved for the mentally sick. U cant be no "normal" motherfukker and do this....u gotta be fukked up....this is war man, this aint no motherfukking disney movie man


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
BTW theres no such thing as a logical or practical dreamer. U cant be practical or rational in this game. U have to be willing for anything to happen. Thats the life of a rebel, its not about stability or routine. U cant be attached to ideals. Things constantly change.

U might end up a cashier a dikks making 9.16 an hour, while having a 18 year old boss...thats the fukking risk u take to do the things u want in life....stop being a fukking bytch

talking about "thats embarrassing" how u think kanye felt before fame when he was a dead end job? but he still endure it just kept going towards his goals...u think he had a plan? nope...he just made dope shyt that he was passionate about and kept getting rejected until ppl said yes