WWE Superstar from 1993 to 1999, leader of Los Boricuas): Whenever people would ask what the BSK was, I would say, “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.” [
WWE Superstar from 1994 to 1999, three-time World Tag Team Champion as one-half of The Godwinns): It stood for the Bone Street Krew. Myself, The Undertaker, Yokozuna, Rikishi, Savio Vega, Brian Adams, Paul Bearer, and Papa Shango [ed note: The Godfather]. Then [Mideon] came up a year later and joined, too.
VEGA: Fuji was with us, too. We called him “uncle.”
WWE Superstar from 1991 to 2002): It’s funny. It was so long ago. I talked to Rikishi a couple of days ago, and it seems like everybody has a different feel for what BSK was.
WWE Superstar from 1996 to 2001, aka Phineas I. Godwinn, member of The Ministry of Darkness): I was already friends with a lot of the guys. I was the last “inductee” into The BSK. You had to have
Undertaker and Yokozuna discuss if you could be in. No pressure.
GODFATHER: Me and The Undertaker were friends before. I didn’t know any of the other guys except from what I saw of them on TV. I met them all in WWE. We were just a bunch of guys with similar personalities.
VEGA: When I arrived to the group, they had been there for a year or two, and knowing Yokozuna and Rikishi, I was accepted.
GODWINN: I worked against Undertaker one night on Monday Night Raw. We beat the stuff out of each other. After that night, he took me under his wing. I started riding with Paul Bearer and him. Then my partner came up, and me, him, Paul and Taker were together all the time.
MIDEON: They knew me, and Henry Godwinn was already there, talking about me for a year. So the day I got to WWE, I immediately went out with everybody. It was like my spot in The BSK was waiting for me — almost like I got a scholarship and was going to be their running back. I wasn’t going to be BSK’s No. 1 guy, but I walked in as a starter.
GODWINN: They used to call me Hillbilly Love. Undertaker came up with that. He wrote a song about me. He and Yoko were rapping it one night in the car. How many people can say that Undertaker and Yoko rapped a song about them?
Where is Mideon now? |
Watch: Mideon debuts as Phineas Godwinn
GODFATHER: Everybody thinks that The Undertaker started The BSK, but it was actually Yoko. Yoko was always the mouthpiece at the time. Yoko would talk like a gangster. One time he said, “BSK. Bone Street Krew in the house!” That was Yoko starting it.
WWE Legend, third-party to both The Kliq and The BSK): The rest of the locker room never found out what it meant. You’re not going to ask, ’cause they’re not going to tell you. Nobody was willing to ask.
GODFATHER: We were a bunch of guys that hung out together, rode together, listened to the same type of music, did the same things at night … and we played dominoes. The Godwinns didn’t play dominoes. Savio played. But the ones that definitely played were me, Rikishi, Yoko and Undertaker. (
Image from Godfather’s Twitter)
WWE Hall of Famer, member of The Kliq): Much like The Kliq, they were just guys that hung out with each other. At some point, after guys had stirred up the locker room about The Kliq, all of those guys got BSK
VEGA: My wife and I went to the Florida Keys for our anniversary, and that’s when I said, “I want a tattoo.” We got a little tattoo for us. When we got home to Puerto Rico, I got interested in tattoos. On the right arm, I have a couple of things, like a spider and a web. I said to the guy, “On this side, I want you to put
BSK.” I arrived to the arena, and I said, “OK, I got my tattoo. I want to see more tattoos.”
GODFATHER: I was like, “Man, we’ve all got to get these tattoos.” We all had tattoos anyway. I had this demon on my back. He’s got really big hands, and across his knuckles, it says
BSK. It’s really cool.
GODWINN: You had to come up with your own thing. Mine is on my leg and it’s in a design that says
BSK. Having that put on you, you must have been pretty tight guys.
MIDEON: I got two. I got a dagger on my arm. A couple of years later, I got the letters on my neck. Obviously, The Undertaker has the biggest one. He always takes his singlet off at the end of a match, and when he does, bam, there’s the tattoo.
VEGA: Undertaker got it tattooed on his belly big time. Yoko said he was going to have a small one on his arm or hand. Rikishi never did. But I was the first one to have
BSK tattooed on me.