This whole trayvon martin case is just some democrat/republican CRAP


Jul 23, 2012
It's all TOTAL BULLshyt y'all. :trash: I mean look at this shyt being all over tv. It's just some fake reality show crap, tv really sucks ass man. WOW, america really fell off.

All these FAKE white people (majority of them republicans) supporting zimmerman didn't go that hard on tookie williams or even the troy davis case a few yrs ago.

They didn't really care about those issues.

This whole fiasco is just some flexing muscles shyt, a lot of fake white people would love barack obama to be assassinated, but it's not likely going to happen, so they took trayvon as consolation.

Why do you think that racist b*stard "sean hannity" and all those conservative radio pricks jumped on this case?

It was an opportunity to indirectly shyt on the mulatto in the white house.

Marching, bytching on the internet is not going to solve shyt, america will continue to use drones, fight wars, kill people, poison the food and water, use entertainment to brainwash everybody etc.

Buy all the guns/ammunition you want, it's all GARBAGE and you know it.

We have no power, just live the best way you can live people.

Make sure we put our money together as an organization like all these gay people LGBT groups and make moves to change some of these goofy outdated caveman laws.