Please listen to this n-gga and tell everyone as well.I've said over and over again right here on this site. Do not believe a story that just pops up on social media until you get all the info. I myself have witnessed numerous made up lies accepted right here on The Coli and just shook my head but concluded that the masses will continue to be duped by clout chasing that's well put together. I've even had Coli posters insult me for not accepting as is news that turned out to be fake as time passed. Remember all the name calling posters got for suggesting brick girl might be a fake story? I'll never forget it.
bruh....the fact that you need to lie in order to illustrate how much of a scumbag Trump is shows how stupid of a human being you are.
dude has been elected president twice....
has been the most powerful republican in this country for a decade
beat prison
and is now untouchable....
him being a scumbag...while completely irrelevant....
people kept laughing and now look at where we are as a country....
the crazy thing is dude's tweet is not very far off from something trump would do...thats why its so believable...
at this point....NOTHING TRUMP does should come as a surprise....
Trump is a testament to blind delusional belief in self....thats about the only thing about him i find admirable
that's what you took away from my post?So slavery is gonna come it....