not redeemed with gold but with His Blood
What’s crazy is how “must see TV” politics now is. That’s not a great sign because that means shyt is getting closer to conflict. When the ridiculous brash morons started to jump in, shyt became a mess. It was one thing dealing with 2008-2010 Fox News Republicans, but MAGA is a whole other level.
I think we’re at the point more people are tuned into this on average than sports. Politics was great when it wasn’t this batshyt nuts and sports was bigger news. The more amount of viewers has resulted in a worse but more addicting product, with real life consequences. People used to use sports to be racist, now they got their audience with politics.
The dopamine from sports simply don’t hit like the new age of politics does. It’s basically everywhere now to the point people know the people in Congress more than they do team rosters. I think more people in America know who Tulsi Gabbard and Pam Bondi are than they know who the sixth man on the Lakers is.
99% of the comments were basically about politics. Regarding that, Stephen A. was basically dead on though.
We used to see former Presidents at the Super Bowl and nobody made a fuss about it, the last Super Bowl had so much political talk around it. Night-after-night people used to watch the NBA on TNT, now they’re scrolling social media for crazy ass takes.
The industry of Professional sports is a 20th century creation and its popularity and following is a 20th century endeavor. In the 19th century politics dominated media coverage and public interest . It was during the 1880s and 1890s just before the Jim Crow poll tax, Dixiecrat primaries , grandfather clause and other voting restriction methods that voter turnout reached its peak. After 1900 for obvious reasons the number of voters significantly diminished. Even giving women the right to vote 20 years later in 1920 didn’t increase the total amount of voters much . Women voted 30-40% less than men in the last century because they weren’t familiar with the political system yet, they were new rookies to politics. And in the Jim Crow south, black women couldn’t vote anyway.
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