They might come back and winit’s only halftime
And that’s part of the problem , and why Barkley keeps his foot on this fragile ngga’s neck: if KD doesn’t run to GS he retires ring-less, with 1 MVP, with 1 finals appearance, a guy unique for his size at the position, a fringe top 20ish all-time player…all exactly the same as Barkley
4 scoring titles? Congratulations James harden has 3, AI got 4, so does George Gervin. Barkley is typically ahead of them. And Gervin, damn just thought of the similarities to KD. They woulda had buddy’s legacy as the modern day George Gervin. Be talkin about KD like he was just a great scorer, neat lil niche player.
Don't matter to me I don't get wetMore like keeping the same energy.
They might come back and winit’s only halftime