Bilas shared the story of how he became a Jeezy fan in an interview with XXL magazine in December. It started during a 2011 College GameDay broadcast when Michigan State forward Draymond Green told host Rece Davis he listens to Jeezy on his headphones before games.
"Hubert Davis and I started joking," Bilas told XXL. "Hubert asked if it was on my iPod and I said, 'Damn straight, it's the first thing.' I knew who Jeezy was but I wasn't an avid listener. But I started listening and I liked it.
"I ended up getting a question on Twitter and someone asked me about my favorite rappers and I said Sugarhill Gang and Young Jeezy. I started listening to Sugarhill Gang when I was in high school. Then and now I knew all the words. It was a serious answer. And then someone said no way does Bilas know Young Jeezy. And I started quoting Thug Motivation [101] and it's been fun. I enjoy the back and forth. It's been neat banter on Twitter."