These so called "Social workers" are on a serious power trip.


In a New York world full of strangers..
Dec 25, 2014
NY 2 Trinidad
I am so tired of seeing and hearing about people who are supposed to be helping the homeless and at risk families using whatever power they think they have to hurt others. "You don't like what I say? that's fine, I'm calling ACS on you." My friend has been going through the motions with the shelter that she lives in with her husband and son. She has court ordered visitation with her daughters who are currently in foster care. (How they ended up there is a whole other story that I won't get into right now.) Her daughters were dropped off and had to stand outside, which is what they make them do. Here's the thing, the social worker at the shelter claims that they can't sit inside with the girls unless they were living there. Supposedly, this goes for all people who bring kids in to visit residents. Here's the problem, when I bring my sic month old to visit, the worker has never said a thing. Now yesterday, my friend told them that she wasn't going to have her daughters standing outside and that nowhere in the rules does it say that she can't have her girls visit in the lobby. The worker called the cops and ACS, made false reports to both. A worker from ACS came and saw nothing wrong. This is wrong for so many reasons and we are both tired of the false accusations.
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