These mainstream fashion companies that take the styles/patterns of indigenous cultures...

Jun 8, 2012
I could care less if it's done right, but African, Indian, West Indian, Native American culture is not a fad.

Somewhere inside of me, I just can't help but feel this way about these mainstream American companies and retailers like Urban Outfitters making a killing off of the cultural contributions of indigineous people and POCs...and those original cultures don't get a dime all the while milking the damn thing for every dollar it's worth. While at the same time, demonizing them.

Only to be worn by fashion crazed people who never gave a damn about any of those people other than what they could do FOR THEM.

And then when the tide turns, it's onto the next fad.

I can respect those that want to learn about cultures and the world, but this is not the way to do it. This is blind cultural appropriation.

"African prints hats and shirts" in American Apparel...there are specific tribes and countries in the African continent that have different patterns. But ofcourse to the people buying this, they don't care and see it all of the same. It reminds me of those people who just think Africa is a country and not a continent.

"Native American prints". Not everything is Navajo. Completely blind to the which tribe each pattern is assigned to.

I saw another fashion company entitle their collection about the Bedouins...when it's obvious they didn't do their homework.

I just see this all as trying to water down the cultures of POCs and mass produce it and turn it into watered down homegenized BS.

/end rant.
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