These dating subreddits are depressing as fukk. Have some self-respect!!


May 1, 2012
I feel bad for people like this. I didn't realize just how bad some people are at reading signs until talking to this dude at the gym I'm cool with. He was telling me about this girl he had a huge crush on. How they've been on a bunch of dates as friends. He mentioned all these hints about wanting to date. She basically did everything but hold up a sign telling him to ask her out. Yet he had talked to about ten different people at the gym alone about what he should do. We all told him just tell her he wants to date her. He kept responding "I don't want to mess up the friendship".

A week later they spend day and night together, got drunk and walked all over town. Soon as he walked her home she delayed going in the door which we all told him was the pause women give when they want you to make a move. Nothing on his end. As soon as he got home he got a message from her saying she was bored. This was like 2 in the morning. This dumbass still couldn't take the hint. I eventually just told him word for word what to say to her to make it happen and it worked and she told him she was about to give up on him.


Dec 4, 2015
This shyt actually makes me laugh do hard man:russ:

I know a guy who used to tell me he was dating this girl, everytime I see him. He'd say things are going well until one, he said she broke it off. I asked why? He said because he asked her on a date :mjlol: the whole time bro thought they were dating because they'd eat, go bowling and things but he never made a move, never flirted, even hold hands but bro was somehow convinced they were dating.

He's good now, he has an actual girlfriend that he sees in real time and they do all that couple shyt together. I think it's because he was a youngin. I love the guy tho


Dec 4, 2015
Had a talk with my guy, who's also in his early 30s and average as hell about dating

And i don't get it man:dahell:

The first girl he smashed was gorgeous, we're all :myman:

The second one was meh; a chubby white girl with big titties, the type you see in porno, I understand:ehh:

but after that... it all went downhill, it's all flabby and sick, baby mamas and grandmas.

we roast him for that and lately he's been getting mad but.. bro you can't say you like sexy slim women but go for "Smelly" baby mama who work at dollar store and only give you 😺 once in a blue moon.

My guy said her 😺 smells rank but continued to smash because she gave him 3sums and was down for all that nasty stuff.

now he's denying it every happened :russ:the other guys' in the group been telling him don't so that:skip: and I was the bad friend because I told him do what makes you happy:mjgrin: in the end people are gonna do what they want.:manny:

saying you "need" 😺 and will smash anything because you're down bad sounds pretty sus to me.