
Nov 29, 2019
The mods need to start limiting the amount of anti-Black stories posted on the site by obvious anti-Black propagandists.

And before someone quotes me talking about, "you want to limit free speech and push propaganda!"....You're right. On a supposedly Black website you should be pushing propaganda that reinforces you and your people, but you are also supposed to couch that information in history and facts.

You don't have to make up anything just limit or do away with negative propaganda. If posters want to see such information, they can see it, but they shouldn't be allowed to post it.

Restricting certain forms of speech becomes even more important when you are dealing with certain people who are posting anti-Black propaganda because (1), they aren't knowledgeable or (2), they have ulterior motives. They may not add the necessary background to a situation that will help other Black people or lurkers have a more correct understanding of why a situation is happening and what steps would help lessen those problems.

If the anti-Black propagandist creates a topic discussing some random Black criminal, s/he does it whether intentionally or unintentionally to reinforce existing negative stereotypes of Black people or help foster those negative stereotypes in Black people who may be unaware. The point is to lessen your empathy for Black people because that will boil over to important matters.

You may think thecoli is just some random, unimportant website, but the anti-Black propagandist finds any area where his/her perspective can grow to be important.

You cannot have people just post whatever and expect others to come to the correct conclusions or solutions. I have had many debates with various posters and shut their anti-Black talking points down only for them to repeat those same anti-Black comments in other threads.

A Black website such as this one shouldn't have posters pushing anti-Black propaganda. White supremacist websites push anti-Black propaganda all of the time, thecoli shouldn't follow in their stead rather do the opposite.

There are truckloads of stories of white criminality practiced at every level of society and I HIGHLY doubt those white supremacist websites stay posting hundreds of stories every week about criminal whites

As I alluded to in the above, the anti-Black propagandist posts these stories to lessen the empathy people have for Black people. That is their objective and if you look at any coli thread created by an anti-Black propagandist and read the comments, are they any different from a Yahoo comment section? How many times have you read the comment on this site in a thread about a Black person committing a crime, "if only they had community centers"?

TLDR: you cannot foster an atmosphere of pro-Blackness while pushing anti-Blackness all of the time and allowing nonsense Worldstar videos, Black murder porn, and a bunch of other nonsense to be posted. It only creates anti-Blackness. No need to foster virulent anti-Black hatred, we get that all of the time when walking outside.

Just my $0.02
Oct 22, 2017
this site, TLR in particular, is a veritable treasure trove of content from which cacs can mine for laughs. the intraracial spats between black men and women, the gossip surrounding black celebrities who sell their soul for a check and hate the black fans who idolize them, the countless articles detailing the daily ravages of black poverty, the videos of black people committing acts of violence against one another - all combine to lay bare the diseased condition of black people for cac visitors to feast on.

if I didn’t know better, I’d assume this was some kind of parody.



Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
this site, TLR in particular, is a veritable treasure trove of content from which cacs can mine for laughs. the intraracial spats between black men and women, the gossip surrounding black celebrities who sell their soul for a check and hate the black fans who idolize them, the countless articles detailing the daily ravages of black poverty, the videos of black people committing acts of violence against one another - all combine to lay bare the diseased condition of black people for cac visitors to feast on.

if I didn’t know better, I’d assume this was some kind of parody.


i definitely have noticed that. don't know how some of y'all can browse thru tlr. lot of the threads are some foolishness or about a celebrity. i do enjoy some threads and get some laughs here and there but most of it is garbage. i haven't seen that in the other subforums but I'm not looking at things from the same perspective as you are so i might not notice like you might. but definitely plenty of junk in tlr.


Mar 11, 2022
Like the brother just said, the coli isn't a pro-black site. Far from it.

I'm apart of multiple ACTUAL pro-black spaces and they are all more in line with the thinking you are on OP. No stereotypical and negative imagery of black people. No bashing of black men & women. Cacs can't come to those spaces and fish for content to justify and back up their racist beliefs like they can do here on the coli.

Hell, just look at how often the word "n1kka" is used here towards each other. That word alone should tell you that this isn't a place full of pro-black and "proud" black people. We don't use that word in those other spaces. It's not even a rule .......the word just simply isn't in our vocabulary due to us having a high level of pride in being black.

Unfortunately OP, you're gonna have to come to grips that this place is merely for low level entertainment. Monitor the time you spend on here like I do.


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
Gotta objectively define 'Black', first.

Too many people claiming the title without the pedigree.

I’ve been banned for “race baiting” by mod staff for defending my own people numerous times.

It’s obvious what’s really going on under the surface. There’s a reason why only two people dapped your post.

They weaponize the reports feature, yet get to talk slick about us all they want.