The unknown statistic....


Hate is Rising, Love is Dying....
Jul 27, 2012
Atlanta, Ga
Ever get the feeling to want to know everything about everything?! For example, You could be walking down the street and see a dyme' and wonder to yourself "I wonder how many sexual partners she's had?!" and then you could just get that info via "scan code" or something similar just by walking by her or even making eye contact. Also, wouldn't it be cool to look up old random information about yourself/others at will?! Like for example, I could type my name or w/e into a database and I could enter....ANYTHING about myself that I wanted to know like " What was the first book I ever read (chapter book was stuart little..:obama:)? What year did I look the best (instantly pops up pictures/video of your best days)? First family photo of everyone together? My first report card and what were the grades? etc. The second part was pretty much just using the same type of technology above in some way, be able to just look at anything and get it's background. You could look at a building and instantly gets its info from materials used to the workers that designed the damn thing and their backgrounds. I had some other shyt I was thinking of at work but forgot most of it. I'll add some later