Donnie Darko
I intern at a studio that mainly focuses on helping people find themselves (mainly younger people 15 - early 20s). I see the exact same routine.
- About 60% of people think writing a song automatically makes them able to record. They try to record the song, stumbling, flow not consistant and they want to upload it to soundcloud, bandcamp, etc.
- Do not post your music to the public unless it is COMPLETE. I have learned from personal experience it's better not rush anything at all.
- Do not post horrid mixed music
- Do not spam on social media, yes people may see it but I personally do not open links a stranger sends me on twitter. It's VERY rare especially if I can tell it's just a copy and pasted message
- CREDIT YOUR PRODUCERS especially if you got the damn beat for free.
- CHILL ON EFFECTS nobody wants to hear an entire tape of distorted vocals (RARE)
- Be original
- Email local blogs, radio stations, artist, promoters, djs, producers
- You'd be surprised on how friendly people are, even some well known producers will listen to the song you made on their track.
- Find your bubble and stay in it, It's hard to listen to a tape with 15 random songs you made with no order what so ever
- Be consistent with the songs, don't make 6 GREAT songs and 6 songs you just through on there because you had empty slots
- COVER ART COVER ART COVER ART, Eye catching cover art will make a break the proejct even if its a bad tape
- Make a bandcamp, as a not known, most likely broke, unmanaged artist you need to learn how to manage your music. Bandcamp is a FREE service that lets you upload singles, tapes and even allows you to sell clothes. It's always nice to keep track views and downloads.